FSC 1376 | Bulk Explosives Catalog (611 Items)

All available NSNs related to Bulk Explosives (Page 7 of 13)

National Stock Number Listings for 1376

NSN Description
1376-01-076-7268 Trinitrotoluene
1376-01-076-8649 High Explosive Material
1376-01-077-6496 High Explosive Material
1376-01-077-9241 High Explosive Material
1376-01-077-9248 Stab Detonator
1376-01-077-9249 Stab Detonator
1376-01-077-9250 Stab Detonator
1376-01-078-4062 Propellant Powder
1376-01-078-8199 Propellant Powder
1376-01-080-2760 Black Powder
1376-01-080-9332 High Explosive Material
1376-01-080-9333 High Explosive Material
1376-01-080-9628 High Explosive Material
1376-01-082-2105 Propellant Powder
1376-01-082-2275 High Explosive Material
1376-01-084-4229 Propellant Powder
1376-01-085-1882 Propellant Powder
1376-01-085-7243 Propellant Powder
1376-01-086-2973 Propellant Powder
1376-01-088-2593 Projectile Burster Pellet
1376-01-088-9690 High Explosive Material
1376-01-091-8702 High Explosive Material
1376-01-092-5658 Auxiliary Detonat Rotor Assembly
1376-01-096-9978 High Explosive Material
1376-01-097-6725 High Explosive Material
1376-01-099-0224 High Explosive Material
1376-01-099-0236 Propellant Powder
1376-01-099-5166 High Explosive Material
1376-01-102-2325 High Explosive Material
1376-01-105-1297 Propellant Grain
1376-01-107-5378 Propellant Powder
1376-01-108-7823 High Explosive Material
1376-01-108-7824 High Explosive Material
1376-01-109-0672 High Explosive Material
1376-01-110-5580 Propellant Powder
1376-01-117-9853 Black Powder
1376-01-120-0956 Propellant Powder
1376-01-120-0957 Propellant Powder
1376-01-120-4100 Propellant Powder
1376-01-120-4560 Propellant Powder
1376-01-122-5289 Propellant Powder
1376-01-122-5290 Propellant Grain
1376-01-122-8428 High Explosive Material
1376-01-122-8429 High Explosive Material
1376-01-122-8430 High Explosive Material
1376-01-123-5089 Propellant Powder
1376-01-124-7580 Stab Detonator
1376-01-124-9754 Stab Detonator
1376-01-125-5945 Propellant Powder
1376-01-125-5946 Propellant Powder

Select FSC 1376 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 01/23/2024 10:35am view all »

NSN 1376-01-132-1691
Ethyl Cellulose
Availability: 5
NSN 1376-01-085-7243
Propellant Powder
Availability: 14