FSC 1376 | Bulk Explosives Catalog (611 Items)

All available NSNs related to Bulk Explosives (Page 5 of 13)

National Stock Number Listings for 1376

NSN Description
1376-01-052-4141 High Explosive Material
1376-01-052-4142 High Explosive Material
1376-01-052-4143 Delay Tungsten Composition
1376-01-052-4869 Stab Detonator
1376-01-052-6038 Nitrocellulose Adhesive
1376-01-052-8502 Black Powder
1376-01-052-8503 High Explosive Material
1376-01-053-5935 Trinitrotoluene
1376-01-053-9218 High Explosive Material
1376-01-053-9358 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9359 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9360 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9361 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9362 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9363 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9364 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9365 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9366 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9367 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9368 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9369 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9370 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9371 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9372 Propellant Powder
1376-01-053-9373 Propellant Powder
1376-01-054-1577 Propellant Powder
1376-01-054-5124 Stab Detonator
1376-01-054-5133 Stab Detonator
1376-01-054-5155 High Explosive Material
1376-01-054-5157 Propellant Powder
1376-01-054-5158 Propellant Powder
1376-01-054-5171 Propellant Powder
1376-01-054-5190 Stab Detonator
1376-01-055-0993 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-0994 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-0995 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-0996 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-0997 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-0998 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-0999 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-1000 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-1001 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-1002 Propellant Grain
1376-01-055-1003 Propellant Grain
1376-01-055-1555 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-2772 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-2783 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-2784 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-3436 Propellant Powder
1376-01-055-3437 Propellant Powder

Select FSC 1376 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 01/23/2024 10:35am view all »

NSN 1376-01-132-1691
Ethyl Cellulose
Availability: 5
NSN 1376-01-085-7243
Propellant Powder
Availability: 14