FSC 1376 | Bulk Explosives Catalog (611 Items)

All available NSNs related to Bulk Explosives (Page 11 of 13)

National Stock Number Listings for 1376

NSN Description
1376-01-291-7040 Propellant Powder
1376-01-295-9818 Propellant Powder
1376-01-299-8858 Propellant Powder
1376-01-299-8859 Propellant Powder
1376-01-300-9526 Propellant Powder
1376-01-306-1237 Propellant Grain
1376-01-306-1238 Propellant Grain
1376-01-306-1239 Propellant Grain
1376-01-306-1313 Black Powder
1376-01-306-1314 Propellant Powder
1376-01-306-7119 Propellant Grain
1376-01-315-9742 Propellant Grain
1376-01-316-5446 Propellant Grain
1376-01-318-6315 Propellant Powder
1376-01-320-1184 Composition A-3 Pellet
1376-01-320-1185 Composition A-3 Pellet
1376-01-325-3586 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-3587 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-3588 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-5071 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-5072 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-5073 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-5074 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-5075 Propellant Powder
1376-01-325-5113 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-5114 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-5115 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-5116 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-5117 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-5118 Propellant Grain
1376-01-325-5722 Propellant Disc
1376-01-334-8429 Propellant Disc
1376-01-335-5054 Propellant Powder
1376-01-342-3843 Propellant Powder
1376-01-342-3844 Propellant Powder
1376-01-342-5201 Stab Detonator
1376-01-350-7963 Stab Detonator
1376-01-362-6502 Propellant Powder
1376-01-362-6503 Propellant Powder
1376-01-368-7116 Propellant Powder
1376-01-370-6678 Propellant Powder
1376-01-373-5883 Propellant Grain
1376-01-375-6225 High Explosive Material
1376-01-376-3743 High Explosive Material
1376-01-376-5576 High Explosive Material
1376-01-384-5877 High Explosive Material
1376-01-393-0258 High Explosive Material
1376-01-393-0259 High Explosive Material
1376-01-393-0260 High Explosive Material
1376-01-396-0257 Propellant Grain

Select FSC 1376 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 01/23/2024 10:35am view all »

NSN 1376-01-132-1691
Ethyl Cellulose
Availability: 5
NSN 1376-01-085-7243
Propellant Powder
Availability: 14