FSC 1376 | Bulk Explosives Catalog (611 Items)

All available NSNs related to Bulk Explosives (Page 10 of 13)

National Stock Number Listings for 1376

NSN Description
1376-01-199-8777 Sheet Stock Propellant
1376-01-200-4324 Sheet Stock Propellant
1376-01-202-1854 High Explosive Material
1376-01-203-7484 Propellant Powder
1376-01-203-7489 Double Base Propellant
1376-01-204-9782 High Explosive Material
1376-01-204-9783 High Explosive Material
1376-01-204-9784 Propellant Powder
1376-01-204-9785 Propellant Powder
1376-01-204-9786 Propellant Powder
1376-01-208-0704 High Explosive Material
1376-01-210-4040 Double Base Propellant
1376-01-210-5205 High Explosive Material
1376-01-211-4606 Spheroidal Propellant
1376-01-213-5669 Propellant Powder
1376-01-216-3087 High Explosive Material
1376-01-218-9319 Propellant Powder
1376-01-221-5664 Propellant Grain
1376-01-221-5665 Propellant Grain
1376-01-221-5666 Propellant Grain
1376-01-221-5667 Propellant Grain
1376-01-221-5668 Propellant Grain
1376-01-221-5745 Propellant Powder
1376-01-223-0934 Propellant Grain
1376-01-223-0935 Propellant Grain
1376-01-223-0936 Propellant Grain
1376-01-223-0937 Propellant Grain
1376-01-223-0938 Propellant Grain
1376-01-223-0939 Propellant Grain
1376-01-224-0356 Propellant Grain
1376-01-227-9360 Propellant Grain
1376-01-242-8847 Propellant Powder
1376-01-247-7208 Propellant Powder
1376-01-255-6279 Propellant Powder
1376-01-262-5396 High Explosive Material
1376-01-262-5397 High Explosive Material
1376-01-262-5398 Propellant Powder
1376-01-273-9535 Molding Material
1376-01-274-0751 Propellant Powder
1376-01-279-0180 High Explosive Material
1376-01-279-1324 Propellant Grain
1376-01-279-1325 Propellant Grain
1376-01-279-2452 Propellant Grain
1376-01-279-2453 Propellant Grain
1376-01-280-5339 High Explosive Material
1376-01-281-1665 Propellant Grain
1376-01-283-0190 Booster Explosive
1376-01-283-0197 Propellant Powder
1376-01-285-3107 Propellant Powder
1376-01-291-1109 Special Octol

Select FSC 1376 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 01/23/2024 10:35am view all »

NSN 1376-01-132-1691
Ethyl Cellulose
Availability: 5
NSN 1376-01-085-7243
Propellant Powder
Availability: 14