FSC 1377 | Cartridge And Propellant Actuated Devices And Components Catalog (5,441 Items)

All available NSNs related to Cartridge And Propellant Actuated Devices And Components (Page 64 of 109)

National Stock Number Listings for 1377

NSN Description
1377-01-229-3744 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-3745 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-3746 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-3747 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-3748 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-3749 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-3750 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-4948 Cartridge Actuated Cutter
1377-01-229-5797 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5798 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5799 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5800 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5801 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5802 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5803 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5804 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5805 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5806 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5807 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5808 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5809 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5810 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5811 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5812 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-5813 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7600 Cartridge Actuated Initiator
1377-01-229-7601 Bulkhead Union
1377-01-229-7602 Bulkhead Union
1377-01-229-7603 Bulkhead Union
1377-01-229-7648 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7649 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7650 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7651 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7652 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7653 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7654 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7655 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7656 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7657 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7658 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7659 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7660 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7661 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7662 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7663 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7664 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7665 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7666 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-229-7667 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-230-5023 Detonating Cord Assembly

Select FSC 1377 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/14/2025 03:42am view all »

NSN 1377-01-369-2492
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 45
NSN 1377-00-987-3603
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 9
NSN 1377-01-185-2622
Aircraft Fire Extingui Cartridge
Availability: 17
NSN 1377-01-482-1555
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 51
NSN 1377-00-103-3434
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 12
NSN 1377-01-525-8256
Electric Squib
Availability: 34
NSN 1377-00-677-6281
Aircraft Fire Extingui Cartridge
Availability: 2
NSN 1377-00-188-4086
Aircraft Fire Extingui Cartridge
Availability: 47