FSC 1377 | Cartridge And Propellant Actuated Devices And Components Catalog (5,441 Items)

All available NSNs related to Cartridge And Propellant Actuated Devices And Components (Page 60 of 109)

National Stock Number Listings for 1377

NSN Description
1377-01-200-9014 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-200-9015 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-200-9016 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-200-9017 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-200-9018 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-200-9019 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-201-5515 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-202-9195 Impulse Cartridge
1377-01-203-1959 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-01-203-1960 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-01-203-1961 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-01-203-7015 Aircraft Explosive Panel
1377-01-203-7017 Aircraft Explosive Panel
1377-01-203-7018 Aircraft Explosive Panel
1377-01-203-7019 Aircraft Explosive Panel
1377-01-203-8651 Cartridge Actuated Initiator
1377-01-203-9551 Aircraft Explosive Panel
1377-01-203-9713 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-204-2437 Electrical Ignition Element
1377-01-204-3588 Aircraft Explosive Panel
1377-01-204-7439 Cabin Decompression Sensor Assembly
1377-01-204-7692 Rocket Motor
1377-01-204-9175 Base And Cover Asse
1377-01-204-9189 Customer Engineerin
1377-01-205-5293 Cartridge Actuated Initiator
1377-01-206-5694 Propellant Actua Booster-fitting
1377-01-207-7089 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-01-207-7090 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-01-207-7091 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-01-207-7092 Shaped Charge Assembly
1377-01-207-7093 Linear Explosive Actuator
1377-01-207-7094 Cartridge Actuated Thruster
1377-01-207-8733 Shaped Charge Assembly
1377-01-208-1090 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-208-1091 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-208-3164 Shaped Charge Assembly
1377-01-208-8646 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-209-0573 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-01-209-3847 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-01-209-9834 Expl Initiator
1377-01-209-9835 Impulse Cartridge
1377-01-209-9837 Expl Initiator
1377-01-210-4039 Impulse Cartridge
1377-01-211-7211 Impulse Cartridge
1377-01-211-7212 Cartridge Actuated Thruster
1377-01-211-8544 Spreading Gun Assembly
1377-01-211-8545 Spreading Gun Assembly
1377-01-212-8583 Impulse Cartridge
1377-01-213-3090 Propellan Gas Pressure Generator
1377-01-213-6171 Electrical Ignition Element

Select FSC 1377 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 12/17/2024 02:24am view all »

NSN 1377-01-394-1271
Explosive Actu Parachute Release
Availability: 1
NSN 1377-01-590-0158
Cartridge Actuated Initiator
Availability: 16
NSN 1377-01-211-7211
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 1
NSN 1377-01-210-4039
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 1
NSN 1377-01-263-3627
Aircraft Fire Extingui Cartridge
Availability: 5
NSN 1377-01-559-0934
Fire Extingu Operating Cartridge
Availability: 15
NSN 1377-01-454-9864
Automatic Inflation Device
Availability: 1
NSN 1377-01-482-1555
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 54