FSC 1377 | Cartridge And Propellant Actuated Devices And Components Catalog (5,441 Items)

All available NSNs related to Cartridge And Propellant Actuated Devices And Components (Page 55 of 109)

National Stock Number Listings for 1377

NSN Description
1377-01-125-8073 Detonating Cord
1377-01-125-8074 Detonating Cord
1377-01-125-8075 Detonating Cord
1377-01-125-8076 Detonating Cord
1377-01-125-8232 Rocket Motor
1377-01-125-8233 Rocket Motor
1377-01-125-8397 Primary Cartridge Breech
1377-01-125-8398 Intermediate Piston Assembly
1377-01-125-8399 Inner Piston Assembly
1377-01-125-8400 Connector Piston
1377-01-125-8402 Propell Release Body Subassembly
1377-01-125-8405 Piston And Cartridge Subass Body
1377-01-125-8406 Firing Time Release Body
1377-01-125-8410 Escapement Rocker
1377-01-125-8412 Parachute Drogue Ejector Piston
1377-01-125-8414 Release Plunger Assembly
1377-01-125-8417 Release Plunger Assembly
1377-01-125-8418 Top Catapult Guide Rail Insert
1377-01-125-8420 Ejector Para Drogue Plate Cover
1377-01-125-8423 Time Connecting Rod Guide Block
1377-01-125-8426 Initiator C Static Line Assembly
1377-01-125-8900 Firing Pin
1377-01-125-9399 Smdc And Electro-explosive Union
1377-01-125-9405 Detonating Cord Union
1377-01-125-9407 Cartridge Actuated Initiator
1377-01-125-9408 Detonating Cord Connector
1377-01-125-9500 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-125-9501 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-125-9502 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-125-9503 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-125-9504 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-125-9505 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-125-9506 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-126-7690 Propellan Gas Pressure Generator
1377-01-127-4090 Detonating Cord
1377-01-127-4307 Explosive One Way Transfer
1377-01-127-4309 Explosive Sequencer
1377-01-127-4373 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-01-127-4375 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-01-128-8405 Electric Detonator
1377-01-129-3757 Parachute Drogue Ejector Barrel
1377-01-129-3758 Stack Assembly Capsule
1377-01-130-2907 Explosive Separator
1377-01-131-5115 Cartridge Standoff
1377-01-131-8601 Escapement Rocker
1377-01-131-8944 Firing Pin
1377-01-133-4084 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-01-133-7451 Detonating Cord Set
1377-01-134-8333 Explosi Engine Cartridge Starter
1377-01-134-8334 Explosi Engine Cartridge Starter

Select FSC 1377 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 12/17/2024 02:24am view all »

NSN 1377-01-394-1271
Explosive Actu Parachute Release
Availability: 1
NSN 1377-01-590-0158
Cartridge Actuated Initiator
Availability: 16
NSN 1377-01-211-7211
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 1
NSN 1377-01-210-4039
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 1
NSN 1377-01-263-3627
Aircraft Fire Extingui Cartridge
Availability: 5
NSN 1377-01-559-0934
Fire Extingu Operating Cartridge
Availability: 15
NSN 1377-01-454-9864
Automatic Inflation Device
Availability: 1
NSN 1377-01-482-1555
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 54