FSC 8340 | Tents And Tarpaulins Catalog (2,570 Items)

All available NSNs related to Tents And Tarpaulins (Page 14 of 52)

National Stock Number Listings for 8340

NSN Description
8340-01-457-2209 Tent
8340-01-458-4087 Champ Temper Interface
8340-01-458-4115 Champ Temper Interface
8340-01-458-4123 Tent Plenum
8340-01-458-4125 Tent Plenum
8340-01-458-4128 Tent Plenum
8340-01-458-4130 Tent Plenum
8340-01-458-4132 Tent Plenum
8340-01-458-4134 Tent Plenum
8340-01-459-4324 Tent
8340-01-459-4337 Tent
8340-01-459-4352 Trai Tent Utilities Support Unit
8340-01-459-4361 Trai Tent Utilities Support Unit
8340-01-459-4366 Trai Tent Utilities Support Unit
8340-01-459-4443 Tent Section
8340-01-459-4446 Tent Component Kit
8340-01-459-5144 Tent
8340-01-459-5151 Tent
8340-01-459-5157 Tent
8340-01-459-5632 Tent Pole
8340-01-459-5634 Tent Pole
8340-01-459-8167 Tent
8340-01-459-8172 Tent
8340-01-461-4266 Tent Frame
8340-01-462-3687 Tent
8340-01-462-6386 Fabric Assembly Tent
8340-01-462-6476 Fabric Assembly Tent
8340-01-462-6490 Tent Repair Combat
8340-01-462-6547 Hold-down Tent Stake
8340-01-462-6569 Tent Net
8340-01-462-6632 Tent Shock Cord
8340-01-462-6735 Tent
8340-01-462-6736 Tent
8340-01-462-6818 Combat Sleeve Tent
8340-01-462-6861 Combat Lock Tent
8340-01-462-6866 Combat Rainfly Tent
8340-01-462-6873 Combat Poles Tent
8340-01-462-6877 Combat Fabric Tent
8340-01-462-6881 Tent Cord Combat
8340-01-463-7885 Prefabricated Buildin Liner Tent
8340-01-463-7886 Prefabricated Buildin Liner Tent
8340-01-463-7887 Prefabricated Buildin Liner Tent
8340-01-463-7888 Prefabricated Buildin Liner Tent
8340-01-463-7889 Prefabricated Buildin Liner Tent
8340-01-463-9812 Tent Hook
8340-01-463-9813 Guy Assembly Cable
8340-01-463-9814 Cable Terminator
8340-01-463-9815 Terminator Bracket Assembly
8340-01-463-9816 Pulley Assembly
8340-01-463-9817 Roller Assembly

Select FSC 8340 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/12/2025 04:52pm view all ยป

NSN 8340-01-456-3628
Availability: 2
NSN 8340-00-566-7416
Tent Section
Availability: 14
NSN 8340-01-648-0880
Tent Frame
Availability: 9
NSN 8340-00-134-7512
Availability: 9