FSC 8340 | Tents And Tarpaulins Catalog (2,570 Items)

All available NSNs related to Tents And Tarpaulins (Page 11 of 52)

National Stock Number Listings for 8340

NSN Description
8340-01-295-0567 Tent
8340-01-300-6754 Tent Shield
8340-01-306-0857 Canvas Door Adapter
8340-01-314-2384 Tarpaulin
8340-01-317-3395 Tent Vestibule
8340-01-318-5742 Tent Threshold
8340-01-318-8316 Tent Threshold End Fitting
8340-01-318-8317 Tent Threshold Brace
8340-01-323-2454 Tent
8340-01-324-7971 Tent
8340-01-325-0131 Tent
8340-01-327-4156 Tent Component Kit
8340-01-327-6124 Tent Mapboard
8340-01-327-7685 Tent Folding Table
8340-01-328-5826 Tent
8340-01-328-5827 Tent Passageway
8340-01-331-0152 Window Wall Assembly
8340-01-331-0153 Rain Gutter
8340-01-331-3302 Shelter Entrance
8340-01-331-3303 Entrance Wall Liner
8340-01-331-3304 Shelter Floor
8340-01-331-5422 Roof Cap Assembly
8340-01-333-0661 Cloth Wall
8340-01-333-4126 Tent Pole
8340-01-333-4718 Plain Wall Assembly
8340-01-334-2341 Frame Assembly
8340-01-334-7529 Tent
8340-01-336-9093 Tent Frame Bag
8340-01-337-5297 Plain Wall Assembly
8340-01-337-5298 Window Wall Assembly
8340-01-337-5299 Entrance Wall Assembly
8340-01-337-5300 Roof Cap Assembly
8340-01-337-5561 Tent Frame Bag
8340-01-337-5699 Rain Gutter Assembly
8340-01-337-7234 Tent Fabric Component Bag
8340-01-337-9215 Tent Fabric Component Bag
8340-01-347-5218 Tarpaulin
8340-01-347-5219 Tarpaulin
8340-01-347-5220 Tarpaulin
8340-01-359-0084 Tent
8340-01-359-1481 Tent
8340-01-359-9013 Special Item
8340-01-360-4427 Tent
8340-01-361-1972 Ten Hook And Ring Assembly Chain
8340-01-364-4496 Tent Bootwall
8340-01-364-4497 Tent Bootwall
8340-01-368-7214 Tent
8340-01-368-7215 Tent
8340-01-378-8301 Modular Command Post Bootwall
8340-01-380-2241 Modular Command Post Bootwall

Select FSC 8340 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 02/20/2025 08:11am view all »

NSN 8340-00-566-7416
Tent Section
Availability: 14
NSN 8340-01-648-0880
Tent Frame
Availability: 9
NSN 8340-00-134-7512
Availability: 9