FSC 6685 | Humidity Measuring And Controlling Instruments Temperature Pressure Catalog (32,449 Items)

All available NSNs related to Humidity Measuring And Controlling Instruments Temperature Pressure (Page 249 of 649)

National Stock Number Listings for 6685

NSN Description
6685-01-111-8708 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-111-8709 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-111-8710 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-111-8711 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-111-8712 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-111-9833 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-112-0458 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-112-0524 Di Compound Pressure-vacuum Gage
6685-01-112-0958 Differential Pressure Sensor
6685-01-112-1145 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-112-1230 Fluid Pressure Dampener
6685-01-112-1292 Pressure Gage
6685-01-112-1514 Thermostat
6685-01-112-1915 Indicating Vacuum Gage
6685-01-112-1916 Electric Temperature Transmitter
6685-01-112-2089 Thermal Assembly
6685-01-112-2334 Electric Temperature Transmitter
6685-01-112-2801 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-112-2802 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-112-3223 Thermocouple Harness Assembly
6685-01-112-3224 Thermocouple Harness Assembly
6685-01-112-5127 Electrical Temperature Indicator
6685-01-112-5636 E Temperature-humidity Indicator
6685-01-112-5744 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-112-5746 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-112-7658 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-112-8994 Indicating Temperature Control
6685-01-112-9094 Pressurized Compartmen Altimeter
6685-01-112-9463 Electrical Temperature Indicator
6685-01-112-9620 Thermo Assembly
6685-01-112-9884 Diaphram
6685-01-112-9900 Diaphragm Assembly
6685-01-113-0421 Fluid Pressure Dampener
6685-01-113-0461 Resistance Humidity Element
6685-01-113-2067 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-113-2512 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-113-2513 Thermowell
6685-01-113-2514 Self-indicating Thermometer
6685-01-113-3379 Electrical Temperature Indicator
6685-01-113-3388 Capillary Indicating Thermometer
6685-01-113-4470 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-113-5350 Pneumatic Steam Flow Transmitter
6685-01-113-6083 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-113-6084 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-113-6085 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-113-6086 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-113-6087 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-113-6088 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-113-6240 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-113-6708 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage

Select FSC 6685 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/20/2025 02:13pm view all »

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Flow Control Thermostat
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NSN 6685-01-275-5152
Dial Indicatin Differential Gage
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Availability: 1
NSN 6685-01-506-8771
Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
Availability: 3
NSN 6685-01-472-7492
Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
Availability: 4
NSN 6685-00-067-8437
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NSN 6685-00-726-4710
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NSN 6685-00-514-3690
Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
Availability: 19