FSC 6685 | Humidity Measuring And Controlling Instruments Temperature Pressure Catalog (32,449 Items)

All available NSNs related to Humidity Measuring And Controlling Instruments Temperature Pressure (Page 239 of 649)

National Stock Number Listings for 6685

NSN Description
6685-01-089-6424 Indicating Pyrometer
6685-01-089-6426 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-089-6427 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-089-6798 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-089-7261 Temperature Regulator
6685-01-089-7310 Temperature Transmitter
6685-01-089-7403 Heating Element Thermocouple
6685-01-089-8038 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-089-8065 Indicating Temperature Control
6685-01-089-8066 Indicating Temperature Control
6685-01-089-8139 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-089-8140 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-089-8141 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-089-9606 Capillary Indicating Thermometer
6685-01-090-0613 Pressure Gage Tester
6685-01-090-1119 Temperature Recorder
6685-01-090-1201 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-090-1203 Fluid Pressure Dampener
6685-01-090-2141 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-090-2309 Thermostat
6685-01-090-2585 Thermocouple Adapter
6685-01-090-2670 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-090-2671 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-090-3280 Thermostat Parts Kit
6685-01-090-3978 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-090-3979 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-090-4361 Fluid Pressure Dampener
6685-01-090-4390 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-090-4391 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-090-4392 Pressure Transmitter
6685-01-090-6123 Radiation Mo Shield
6685-01-090-6218 Indicating Temperature Control
6685-01-090-6676 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-090-7553 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-090-7554 Immersion Thermocouple
6685-01-090-8148 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-090-8457 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-090-8497 Pressure Gage
6685-01-090-8873 Pressure Indicator
6685-01-090-8877 Di Compound Pressure-vacuum Gage
6685-01-090-8880 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-091-0295 Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
6685-01-091-0648 Digi Self-indicating Thermometer
6685-01-091-0844 Piston Indicator
6685-01-091-2009 Pressure Regulator
6685-01-091-2432 Di Compound Pressure-vacuum Gage
6685-01-091-3094 Di Compound Pressure-vacuum Gage
6685-01-091-3259 Transducer
6685-01-091-3261 Thermocouple
6685-01-091-3279 Ambient Temperature Sensor

Select FSC 6685 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/20/2025 02:13pm view all »

NSN 6685-00-734-7630
Flow Control Thermostat
Availability: 1
NSN 6685-01-275-5152
Dial Indicatin Differential Gage
Availability: 2
NSN 6685-01-520-4684
Optical Temperature Transmitter
Availability: 1
NSN 6685-01-506-8771
Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
Availability: 3
NSN 6685-01-472-7492
Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
Availability: 4
NSN 6685-00-067-8437
Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
Availability: 20
NSN 6685-00-726-4710
Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
Availability: 11
NSN 6685-00-514-3690
Dial Indicating Pressure Gage
Availability: 19