FSC 6655 | Geophysical Instruments Catalog (287 Items)

All available NSNs related to Geophysical Instruments (Page 3 of 6)

National Stock Number Listings for 6655

NSN Description
6655-00-586-3928 Right Yoke Assembly
6655-00-586-3929 Left Yoke Assembly
6655-00-599-4918 Bathythermograph Thermal Unit
6655-00-600-8139 Pyrheliometer
6655-00-611-5007 Sea Bottom Sediment Grab Sampler
6655-00-640-9354 Bathythermograph
6655-00-676-7987 Bathythermograph Recording Slide
6655-00-713-3735 Bathythermograph
6655-00-720-2679 Magnetic Distortion Recorder
6655-00-731-4386 Bathythermograph
6655-00-738-8817 Recorder Kit
6655-00-755-1452 Magnetic Variation Indicator
6655-00-759-7557 Shipboard Resistivi
6655-00-759-7558 Shipboard Resistivi
6655-00-880-1997 Detecting Set Intru
6655-00-880-5974 Bathythermograph Adjusting Tool
6655-00-901-6253 Bathythermograph Thermal Unit
6655-00-903-0846 Motional Pic Transducer Assembly
6655-00-903-0855 Headband
6655-00-903-0932 Seismic Intrusion D
6655-00-903-8702 Bathythermograph Depth Element
6655-00-926-7780 Bathythermograph Transmitter Set
6655-00-926-7781 Bathythermograph
6655-00-926-7782 Bathythermograph Transmitter Set
6655-00-930-2095 Magnetic Distortion Recorder
6655-00-932-1350 Bathythermograph Set
6655-00-932-1352 Bathythermograph Data Recorder
6655-00-932-1353 Pr Bathythermograph
6655-00-934-3257 Bearing
6655-00-934-3258 Bearing-pen Arm
6655-00-949-5683 Bathythermo Thermal Element Core
6655-00-999-2597 Recorder Detecting
6655-01-010-7439 Bathythermograph
6655-01-019-9226 Bathythermograph
6655-01-024-0546 Magnetic Distortion Recorder
6655-01-030-8608 Bathythermograph
6655-01-031-6423 Bathythermograph
6655-01-031-6424 Bathythermograph
6655-01-034-5106 Valve Actuating Rod
6655-01-037-7282 Ocean Current Data Recorder
6655-01-047-3805 Tide Gage
6655-01-047-3806 Sediment Coring Apparatus
6655-01-050-2423 Gravity Corer
6655-01-058-2138 Working Register
6655-01-058-2142 Level Converter
6655-01-058-2147 Slidewire
6655-01-058-2150 Hardware Kit
6655-01-058-3032 Cartridge Holder
6655-01-059-9259 Bathythermograph
6655-01-059-9260 Bathythermograph

Select FSC 6655 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/22/2024 02:20pm view all »

NSN 6655-00-162-2479
Bathythermogr Probe
Availability: 1
NSN 6655-01-198-6837
Hand-held Launcher
Availability: 6