FSC 6655 | Geophysical Instruments Catalog (287 Items)

All available NSNs related to Geophysical Instruments (Page 2 of 6)

National Stock Number Listings for 6655

NSN Description
6655-00-236-0790 Bathythermograph Data Recorder
6655-00-236-0791 Bathytherm Launcher
6655-00-254-8331 Paper Assembly
6655-00-280-1322 Wire Angle Indicator
6655-00-303-3646 Bathythermograph Thermal Element
6655-00-307-9641 Ground Tiltmeter
6655-00-309-2230 Body Assembly
6655-00-311-9025 Sleeve Nose
6655-00-313-8531 Gear Housing
6655-00-313-8571 Lever
6655-00-313-8575 Bathythermograph Catch
6655-00-313-8576 Bathythermograph Stylus Lifter
6655-00-313-8680 Brake Ratchet
6655-00-313-8777 Guard
6655-00-313-8784 Connecting Link
6655-00-328-9598 Bathythermograph Head
6655-00-332-8689 Window Cover Assembly
6655-00-334-8835 Multiscale Meter
6655-00-369-5756 Bathythermograph
6655-00-369-5757 Bathythermograph
6655-00-369-5758 Bathythermograph
6655-00-400-3089 Baththermo Launcher
6655-00-401-1798 Bathythermograph Depth Element
6655-00-410-8706 Seismograph
6655-00-435-2812 Test Cannister
6655-00-435-2819 Cap Recorder Roller
6655-00-435-2820 Cap Recorder Roller
6655-00-435-2821 Cap Recorder Roller
6655-00-458-1363 Detecting Recorder
6655-00-461-5223 Idler Roller
6655-00-461-5224 Reel Assembly
6655-00-461-5225 Shaft And Pully Ass
6655-00-461-5229 Drive Lever Assembly
6655-00-461-5230 Bracket Assembly-gear
6655-00-461-5232 Anvil Assembly
6655-00-461-5233 Recorder Subassembl
6655-00-461-5234 Lighting Panel Assembly
6655-00-461-5236 Converter Assembly
6655-00-473-5280 Recorder
6655-00-476-1200 Solar Radiation Mea
6655-00-481-6001 Strip Chart Paper
6655-00-481-6004 Extender Card
6655-00-481-6005 Ball Valve Modified
6655-00-489-9197 Seismograph
6655-00-491-1185 Cord
6655-00-498-5995 Test Bench Harness
6655-00-504-3965 Test Box
6655-00-508-7539 Housing Bathythermo
6655-00-533-2018 Solarcell Mounting Assembly
6655-00-586-3926 Flowmeter And Bubble

Select FSC 6655 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/22/2024 02:20pm view all »

NSN 6655-00-162-2479
Bathythermogr Probe
Availability: 1
NSN 6655-01-198-6837
Hand-held Launcher
Availability: 6