Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

NSN 4920-00-018-7024 Fuel Quant Test Set
03/03/25 05:59pm

triumph aerostructures llc. fuel quant test set nsn 4920000187024.

NSN 5961-00-018-1926 Transistor
03/03/25 04:53pm

transistor nsn 5961000181926. the inclosure material is metal. the semi conductor material is silicon. the special features are junction pattern arrangement: npn

5331-00-020-7093 O-ring
03/03/25 03:44pm

o-ring nsn 5331000207093 is manufactured by triumph thermal systems inc. cage code of nsn 5331000207093 is 78943. elongation percentage is 125 maximum.

1095-00-019-1395 Control Panel
03/03/25 02:39pm

aircraft model p-3

NSN 2915-00-017-7971 Pump Fie Parts Kit
03/03/25 01:34pm

pump fie parts kit nsn 2915000177971. the end item identification is pesco model 022994-022-05

1650-00-019-1379 Emergency Ram Air Power Unit
03/03/25 12:32pm

emergency ram air power unit nsn 1650000191379.

NSN 5840-00-017-7956 Filter-resonator
03/03/25 11:28am

filter-resonator nsn 5840000177956. the general characteristics item description is encased 8 resonators stud mtd 1 electrical connector

NSN 5305-00-017-7933 Machine Screw
03/03/25 09:22am

machine screw nsn 5305000177933. the thread length is between 1.125in. ⁓1-1/8 and the nominal thread diameter is 0.25in. ⁓1/4 also the thread quantity per inch is 20

4410-00-019-1361 Boiler Tube
03/03/25 08:23am

steel material

1420-00-019-1301 Module Assembly
03/03/25 06:07am

module assembly nsn 1420000191301.

6720-00-018-7787 Circuit
03/03/25 05:00am

bourns instruments inc circuit. nsn 6720000187787.

NSN 5815-00-017-6948 Number Tape Holder
03/02/25 06:12pm

number tape holder nsn 5815000176948. the overall length is 8.76in. ⁓8-49/64

NSN 5815-00-017-6839 Teletypewriter Subassembly
03/02/25 05:09pm

teletypewriter subassembly nsn 5815000176839. other reference numbers are 36581-1 and 6002-223

4140-00-018-7690 Centrifugal Fan
03/02/25 02:53pm

centrifugal fan. nsn 4140000187690.

NSN 5305-00-019-1209 Head Cap Screw
03/02/25 11:34am

thread length 0.375in. ⁓3/8 steel material

3040-00-019-0943 Magnet Brake
03/02/25 10:26am

magnet brake nsn 3040000190943.

5977-00-019-0915 Electrical Contact Brush
03/02/25 08:16am

length 0.656 inches

5305-00-019-0798 Assembled Washer Screw
03/02/25 06:08am

fastener length 0.312in. ⁓5/16

NSN 4730-00-019-0797 Nipple
03/02/25 05:00am

nominal overall length 2.125 inches steel material

5845-00-019-0831 Subassem Electronic
03/01/25 04:03pm

subassem electronic nsn 5845000190831.

NSN 3030-00-019-0643 Positive Drive Belt
03/01/25 02:59pm

rubber synthetic body and plastic polyamide body material

5315-00-019-0642 Headless Straight Pin
03/01/25 01:54pm

pin overall length 0.25 inches

NSN 2805-00-019-0568 Connecting Rod
03/01/25 12:47pm

end thickness 1 inches steel material

5306-00-018-7263 Washer Bolt
03/01/25 08:26am

washer bolt with flat external teeth and a material thickness of 0.025in. nsn 5306000187263.

5315-00-018-7184 Key
03/01/25 06:10am

round and steel woodruff key. nsn 5315000187184.

5930-00-018-6748 Rotary Switch
02/28/25 06:38pm

northrop grumman systems switch. nsn 5930000186748.

5961-00-018-6746 Transistor
02/28/25 05:28pm

transistor nsn 5961000186746.

NSN 4310-00-019-0500 Ring
02/28/25 04:23pm

overall width 0.375 inches steel material

NSN 2990-00-019-0459 Exhaust Muffler
02/28/25 03:15pm

overall length 34in. ⁓34-1/64 steel material

NSN 6210-00-019-0092 Lighting Fixture
02/28/25 02:02pm

glass illumination directing device material