Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

NSN 4820-00-018-7841 Valve
02/19/25 08:13am

maximum operating pressure 3000 pounds per square inch single response steel material

NSN 5305-00-018-7838 Head Cap Screw
02/19/25 07:12am

thread length between 0.563in. and 0.625in. ⁓5/8 steel material

5945-00-017-2537 Electromagnetic Relay
02/19/25 05:00am

overall length 2.5in. ⁓2-1/2

5935-00-017-2534 Tip Jack
02/18/25 06:51pm

overall length 0.41in. ⁓27/64

5935-00-017-2531 Tip Jack
02/18/25 05:47pm

overall length 0.41in. ⁓27/64

4710-00-017-2386 Metal Tube Assembly
02/18/25 04:47pm

seat angle in deg 33 single end

5998-00-017-2359 Circuit Card Assembly
02/18/25 03:45pm

overall length 4.5in. ⁓4-1/2

5998-00-017-2356 Circuit Card Assembly
02/18/25 02:36pm

overall length 4.5in. ⁓4-1/2

5320-00-017-2343 Pin-rivet
02/18/25 01:24pm

fastener length between 1.06in. and 1.08in. ⁓1-3/32

5305-00-017-2310 Tapping Screw
02/18/25 12:15pm

fastener length 0.375in. ⁓3/8

NSN 3020-00-018-7271 Gear
02/18/25 11:15am

pressure angle 20 degrees aluminum material

NSN 4140-00-018-6535 Tubeaxial Fan
02/18/25 10:16am

length 3.5 inches aluminum housing material

NSN 5307-00-018-7597 Locked In Stud
02/18/25 09:10am

thread length 0.5in. nut thread ⁓1/2 steel material

NSN 5325-00-018-7586 Fastener Stud Assembly
02/18/25 08:10am

diameter between 0.294 inches and 0.36 inches steel material

NSN 5305-00-018-7514 Screw
02/18/25 07:07am

fastener length between 0.984in. and 1.031in. ⁓1-1/32 steel material

NSN 5331-00-018-7483 O-ring
02/18/25 06:02am

sectional height cross between 0.067 inches and 0.073 inches center hole diameter 0.875 inches

NSN 5360-00-018-7480 Helical Spring
02/18/25 05:00am

spring free length 1.552 inches steel material

5315-00-017-1894 Headless Straight Pin
02/17/25 06:04pm

pin overall length between 0.68 inches and 0.7 inches

6130-00-017-1898 Power Supply Subassembly
02/17/25 04:55pm

overall length 4.667in. ⁓4-43/64

5895-00-017-1860 Radio Frequency Detector
02/17/25 03:54pm

operating temp range -65/+185 degrees fahrenheit

5305-00-017-1732 Tapping Screw
02/17/25 02:52pm

fastener length 0.5in. ⁓1/2

5305-00-017-1702 Tapping Screw
02/17/25 01:46pm

fastener length 0.375in. ⁓3/8

5998-00-017-1850 Circuit Card Assembly
02/17/25 12:46pm

overall length 5.34in. ⁓5-11/32

5315-00-017-1698 Threaded Straight Pin
02/17/25 11:44am

thread length between 1.14in. and 1.2in. ⁓1-13/64

5310-00-018-7477 Plate Self-locking Nut
02/17/25 10:39am

nut length between 0.735in. ⁓3/4

NSN 5340-00-018-7476 Loop Clamp
02/17/25 09:31am

plastic polyamide band material

NSN 5360-00-018-6598 Compression Helical Spring
02/17/25 08:24am

compression helical spring nsn 5360000186598. the coil helix direction is right-hand or left-hand. the material is steel. the material document and classification is astm a229 assn standard single material response.

NSN 5999-00-018-6548 Thermal Release Heater
02/17/25 07:16am

overall length 2.375in. ⁓2-3/8 overall diameter 0.07in. ⁓5/64

NSN 5999-00-018-6431 Release Heater
02/17/25 06:04am

overall length 1.437in. ⁓1-7/16 overall height 0.625 inches

NSN 2990-00-018-6332 Muffler
02/17/25 05:00am

overall length 11.875in. ⁓11-7/8 steel material