Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

1560-00-014-3948 Rudder Intercostal
09/22/24 03:44pm

rudder intercostal nsn 1560000143948.

1560-00-014-3947 Rudder Intercostal
09/22/24 03:44pm

rudder intercostal nsn 1560000143947.

5895-00-014-3938 Communications Modem
09/22/24 03:43pm

communications modem nsn 5895000143938.

5895-00-014-3936 Communications Modem
09/22/24 03:42pm

overall width 6.75 inches

NSN 5865-00-014-3196 Countermeasures Chaff
09/22/24 03:40pm

countermeasures chaff nsn 5865000143196. another reference number is rr114al and the cage code is 80058

Indicator Assembly NSN 1270-00-014-3193
09/22/24 03:39pm

indicator assembly nsn 1270000143193. another reference number is 59560 and the cage codes are 15280 and 26916

Indicator Assembly NSN 1270-00-014-3192
09/22/24 03:39pm

indicator assembly nsn 1270000143192. another reference number is 59558 and the cage codes are 15280 and 26916

NSN 5320-00-014-3181 Solid Rivet
09/22/24 03:38pm

solid rivet nsn 5320000143181. the head style is flush (flat) countersunk (included angle - less than 135 degrees w or w/o chamfer)

NSN 5330-00-014-3150 Preformed Packing
09/22/24 03:37pm

preformed packing nsn 5330000143150. the cage codes are 75160 and d9182

NSN 6930-00-014-3093 Indicator Simulated
09/22/24 03:36pm

indicator simulated nsn 6930000143093. another reference number is 475252 and the cage codes are 36378 and 1pqf4

NSN 5315-00-014-2997 Headless Grooved Pin
09/22/24 03:35pm

headless grooved pin nsn 5315000142997. the cage codes are 21450 and 78640

NSN 5340-00-014-2996 Angle Bracket
09/22/24 03:34pm

angle bracket nsn 5340000142996. the material is plastic and the special features are outside bend chamfer 45 degrees x 0.24; cutout is 0.34 radius 0.185 from first leg c/l

NSN 5315-00-014-2994 Headless Grooved Pin
09/22/24 03:34pm

headless grooved pin nsn 5315000142994. the material is steel comp 1112 or steel comp 1113 and the surface treatment is zinc

NSN 3040-00-014-2992 Bell Crank
09/22/24 03:34pm

bell crank nsn 3040000142992. the center to center distance between fulcrum and arm end hole/slot/ball is 1.093 inches 1st end and the center to center distance between fulcrum and arm end hole/slot/ball is 1.312 inches 2nd end

NSN 6650-00-014-2991 Optical Instrument Mirror
09/22/24 03:33pm

optical instrument mirror nsn 6650000142991. the cage code is 19200

NSN 5315-00-014-2986 Headless Grooved Pin
09/22/24 03:32pm

headless grooved pin nsn 5315000142986. the material is steel comp b1112 or steel comp b1113 and the surface treatment is zinc

1560-00-014-3481 Trun Plate Retainer
09/22/24 03:31pm

steel mil-s-18729 1.7 in. lg 0.7 in. w 1 mtg hole 0.3125 in.min 0.3135 in. max dia 2 connecting holes 0.251 in. min 0.258 in. max dia

5961-00-008-8391 Transistor
09/22/24 03:30pm

transistor nsn 5961000088391. the inclosure material is metal.

NSN 5955-00-008-8389 Quartz Crystal Unit
09/22/24 03:29pm

quartz crystal unit nsn 5955000088389. the center to center distance between terminals is 0.184 inches minimum and 0.200 inches maximum

5955-00-008-8388 Quartz Crystal Unit
09/22/24 03:29pm

quartz crystal unit nsn 5955000088388. the specified frequency is 33.111111 megahertz

5955-00-008-8387 Quartz Crystal Unit
09/22/24 03:28pm

quartz crystal unit nsn 5955000088387. the mode of oscillation is third overtone

NSN 5955-00-008-8386 Quartz Crystal Unit
09/22/24 03:27pm

quartz crystal unit nsn 5955000088386. the circuit resonance is a series resonance

NSN 5985-00-008-8384 Electrical Dummy Load
09/22/24 03:26pm

electrical dummy load nsn 5985000088384. the power rating is 1.000 watts average.

NSN 5915-00-008-8383 Radio Frequency Interfere Filter
09/22/24 03:25pm

radio frequency interfere filter nsn 5915000088383. the load impedance per function is 50.0 ohms blank

5910-00-008-8382 Mica Dielectric Fixed Capacitor
09/22/24 03:24pm

mica dielectric fixed capacitor nsn 5910000088382. the terminal diameter is 0.025 inches.

5910-00-008-8392 Glass Dielectric Fixed Capacitor
09/22/24 03:24pm

glass dielectric fixed capacitor nsn 5910000088392. the iii temp coefficient of capacitance per section in ppm per deg celsius is 0.0 single section.

NSN 5305-00-014-3923 Screw-cap
09/22/24 03:23pm

itt industries inc screw-cap nsn 5305000143923.

NSN 5950-00-014-3922 Current Transformer
09/22/24 03:22pm

honeywell international inc current transformer nsn 5950000143922.

6850-00-014-3914 Solvent Cleaning Compound
09/22/24 03:21pm

solvent cleaning compound nsn 6850000143914. the material base type is solution

NSN 1620-00-014-3910 Piston Assy
09/22/24 03:20pm

piston assy nsn 1620000143910.