Updated National Stock Numbers

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NSN 4730-00-014-6846 Quick Disconnect Coupling Half
10/13/24 09:26am

nominal thread size is 0.750 inches all ends

4730-00-014-6847 Quick Disconnect Coupling Half
10/13/24 07:14am

quick disconnect coupling half nsn 4730000146847. the nominal thread size is1.312 inches all ends.

Preformed Packing NSN 5330-00-006-2490
10/13/24 05:00am

graco inc. the cross-sectional shape style: 116 irregular shape from old fiig a03200 is the special feature

5330-00-014-6789 Gasket
10/12/24 06:03pm

gasket nsn 5330000146789. the special feature is the style designator:no.60 irregular shape from fiig a03200.

NSN 5330-00-017-4147 Plain Encased Seal
10/12/24 03:43pm

the case style is square. the housing bore diameter is 0.458 inches.

NSN 1670-00-017-4197 Lift Retrieval Kit
10/12/24 01:28pm

lift retrieval kit nsn 1670000174197. the end item identification is hh53b acft.

NSN 1560-00-017-4272 Armor Stud Assembly
10/12/24 12:26pm

armor stud assembly nsn 1560000174272. another reference number is 4545267-501. the cage code is 88277.

NSN 3020-00-014-6894 Helical Gear
10/12/24 11:24am

the teeth quantity is 92

Unitized Semiconductor Devices NSN 5961-00-014-6890
10/12/24 09:14am

unitized semiconductor devices nsn 5961000146890. the enclosure material is metal

NSN 2920-00-014-6888 Control Rod
10/12/24 07:09am

ford motor company nsn 2920000146888.

NSN 2540-00-014-6869 Motor Vehicle Towbar
10/12/24 06:09am

the design type is front axle

NSN 2510-00-014-6899 True Grille Assembly
10/11/24 06:31pm

ford motor company true grille assembly nsn 2510000146899.

5330-00-014-6788 Preformed Packing
10/11/24 05:18pm

preformed packing nsn 5330000146788. the special features is cross-sectional shape style:116 irregular shape from old fiig a03200

5330-00-014-6787 Gasket
10/11/24 04:09pm

gasket nsn 5330000146787. the special feature is the style designator:no.60 irregular shape from fiig a03200

4820-00-014-6785 Valve Disk
10/11/24 03:01pm

valve disk nsn 4820000146785. the thread class is 2b.

NSN 4820-00-014-6783 Valve Parts Kit
10/11/24 01:53pm

valve parts kit nsn 4820000146783. the nonsupply items and quantities is diaphragm 1disk and stem 1washer 1disk nut 1

6105-00-014-6779 Motor-tachometer Generator
10/11/24 12:41pm

motor-tachometer generator nsn 6105000146779. the overall length is 1.685 inches

4730-00-014-6774 Quick Disconnect Coupling Half
10/11/24 11:30am

quick disconnect coupling half nsn 4730000146774.

4730-00-014-6769 Hose Elbow
10/11/24 10:22am

hose elbow nsn 4730000146769. the connection style is beaded hose all ends.

4730-00-014-6759 Tube To Boss Elbow
10/11/24 09:14am

flow angle 90.0 degrees

NSN 4820-00-014-6791 Valve Seat
10/11/24 07:09am

the material document and classification is mil-r-6855 mil spec single material response

4720-00-014-6811 Nonmetallic Hose Assembly
10/11/24 05:00am

nonmetallic hose assembly nsn 4720000146811. the temp rating is -40.0 deg fahrenheit and 250.0 deg fahrenheit single response

2530-00-014-6761 Sleeve Assembly
10/10/24 06:28pm

sleeve assembly nsn 2530000146761. the general characteristics item description is steel25.000 in.o/a lg10.250 in.o/a height1.500 in.shaft diathd end1.000 in.-202a0.750 in.thd lgkeyway 1.750 in.lg x 0.375 in.w x 0.188 in.deepdrilled hole thruthd

2520-00-014-6752 Transmission Lever
10/10/24 05:13pm

transmission lever nsn 2520000146752.

2530-00-014-6750 Hose Assembly
10/10/24 04:09pm

hose assembly nsn 2530000146750.

2520-00-014-6749 Clutch Pressure Plate Assembly
10/10/24 02:59pm

clutch pressure plate assembly nsn 2520000146749. the special feature is the assembled unit c/o 1 pressure plate cover3 release levers w/pressure adjusting screws12 pressure springs6.370 in. id12.000 in. od of pressure plate6 cover mtg holes 0.310 i

2520-00-014-6748 Ring Gear
10/10/24 01:54pm

ring gear nsn 2520000146748.

NSN 2530-00-014-6745 Wheel Hub Cap
10/10/24 11:33am

wheel hub cap nsn 2530000146745.

NSN 2520-00-014-6743 Transmission Plate
10/10/24 10:30am

transmission plate nsn 2520000146743.

NSN 2530-00-014-6735 Hydraulic Brak Cylinder Assembly
10/10/24 09:25am

hydraulic brak cylinder assembly nsn 2530000146735.