Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

NSN 5910-00-018-9367 Dielectr Fixed Capacitor
02/28/25 11:39am

nonderated operating temp between -55 degrees celsius and 100 degrees celsius body length 1.25 inches

NSN 5961-00-018-9321 Diode Semiconductor Device
02/28/25 10:33am

power rating per characteristic 2.5 watts small-signal input power common-collector preset

NSN 6210-00-019-0297 Light Lens
02/28/25 09:17am

overall length 0.9in. ⁓29/32

3020-00-019-0293 Spur Gear
02/28/25 08:15am

pressure angle 20 degrees

5305-00-019-0392 Machine Screw
02/28/25 06:02am

nominal thread diameter 0.25in. ⁓1/4

NSN 5910-00-018-9310 Dielectric Fixed Capacitor
02/27/25 06:29pm

body length 2.281 inches nonderated operating temp between -55 degrees celsius and 125 degrees celsius

5305-00-018-9120 Machine Screw
02/27/25 05:25pm

fastener length 0.375 inches

5930-00-020-9570 Thermostatic Switch
02/27/25 04:18pm

thermostatic switch nsn 5930000209570. the overall length is 3.312in. ⁓3-5/16. the overall height is 2.688 inches. the overall width is 2.062 inches.

5935-00-018-9361 Electrical Receptacle Connector
02/27/25 03:11pm

overall length 0.87in. ⁓7/8

NSN 5935-00-018-9360 Receptacle Connector
02/27/25 02:04pm

overall length 1.5in. ⁓1-1/2 contact maximum current rating in amps 7.5 single mating end single contact grouping

Chemical Sealer 8030-00-018-9532
02/27/25 12:55pm

black. chemical sealer nsn 8030000189532.

NSN 5305-00-017-7398 Machine Screw
02/27/25 11:44am

machine screw nsn 5305000177398. the head style is hexagon

NSN 5120-00-017-7331 Torque Wrench Adapter
02/27/25 10:35am

torque wrench adapter nsn 5120000177331. the material is stainless steel

5975-00-017-7247 Electrical-electronic Eq Chassis
02/27/25 09:32am

overall depth 6.343 inches

5305-00-017-7018 Tapping Screw
02/27/25 08:25am

fastener length 1.25in. ⁓1-1/4

NSN 5342-00-017-6951 Magnet Assembly Arm
02/27/25 07:16am

magnet assembly arm nsn 5342000176951. the fsc application data is teletype and facsimile equipment

Sleeve Bearing NSN 3120-00-017-6850
02/27/25 06:04am

sleeve bearing nsn 3120000176850. the body outside diameter is between 0.439 inches and 0.4393 inches and body inside diameter is between 0.251 inches and 0.256 inches

NSN 5331-00-017-6198 O-ring
02/26/25 05:30pm

o-ring nsn 5331000176198. the sectional height cross is between 0.135 inches and 0.143 inches

NSN 5305-00-017-6099 Machine Screw
02/26/25 03:05pm

machine screw nsn 5305000176099. the screw material is aluminum alloy 2024

NSN 5325-00-017-6083 Retaining Ring
02/26/25 01:59pm

retaining ring nsn 5325000176083. the inside diameter is 1.513 inches

NSN 5310-00-017-5121 Hexagon Self-locking Nut
02/26/25 11:39am

hexagon self-locking nut nsn 5310000175121. the bearing surface type is chamfered

NSN 5310-00-017-5085 Hexagon Slotted Plain Nut
02/26/25 10:32am

hexagon slotted plain nut nsn 5310000175085. the surface treatment is cadmium or zinc

NSN 5330-00-017-4989 Gasket
02/26/25 09:22am

gasket nsn 5330000174989. the special features are style designator: no.60 irregular shape from fiig a03200

NSN 6520-00-017-4925 Den Pin Retention Applicator Set
02/26/25 08:14am

den pin retention applicator set nsn 6520000174925. the special features are in case; for use in the retention of restorations in the friction-lock pin retention technique

5305-00-017-5240 Machine Screw
02/26/25 07:10am

machine screw nsn 5305000175240. the screw material is steel. the screw surface treatment is cadmium or zinc. the thread quantity per inch is 16.

NSN 5305-00-017-5198 Machine Screw
02/26/25 06:04am

nsn 5305000175198 machine screw. the head style is hexagon. the head height is 0.234 inches. the internal drive style is slot.

NSN 5310-00-017-4855 Hexagon Plain Nut
02/25/25 06:24pm

hexagon plain nut nsn 5310000174855. the nut style is hexagon and the nut height is between 0.341in. and 0.377in. ⁓25/64

NSN 4931-00-017-4788 Thermal Transfer Balance Unit
02/25/25 05:19pm

thermal transfer balance unit nsn 4931000174788. the general characteristics item description is two thermoelement balancing networks reference switch transfer switch associated sensitivity keys and balance controls ac and dc

NSN 5306-00-017-4723 Machine Bolt
02/25/25 02:56pm

machine bolt nsn 5306000174723. the nominal thread diameter is 0.438in. ⁓29/64

NSN 5950-00-017-4685 Radio Frequency Coil
02/25/25 01:44pm

nsn 5950000174685 radio frequency coil. the body length is 11.25 inches. the body width is 6.0 inches. the body height is 6.0 inches.