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air structural component fitting nsn 1560000145795. the end item identification is h-53 super jolly helicopter
mirror viewing bracket nsn 5342000145794. aluminum alloyams42604.640 in. lg2.900 in. w1.480 in. thk is the general characteristics item description
air structural component fitting nsn 1560000145792. the special feature is the fitting assembly
spacing threaded standoff nsn 5340000145828. the length is 1.130 inches
power supply subassembly nsn 6130000145762. the major components is heat sink 1resistor 4transistor 4
mortise latch set nsn 5340000145761. the special features include face shape:any acceptable;release bar;not included;
electrical special purpose cable nsn 6145000145759. the conductor quantity is 25
electrical special purpose cable nsn 6145000145755. the sectional shape style cross is round
nonim electrical heating element nsn 4520000145699. the voltage in volts and current type is 208.0 ac single voltage
nonim electrical heating element nsn 4520000145690. the end item identification is general electric models cg54scg58 and cg59 ovens
incandescent lamp nsn 6240000145670. the average life rating in hours is 2000.0
radio frequency cable assembly nsn 5995000145667. the sectional shape style cross is round
annular ball bearing nsn 3110000145641. the overall outside diameter is 2.8344 inches minimum and 2.8346 inches maximum
electrical rotating equ end bell nsn 6115000145640. the overall height is 1.656 inches.
tapping screw nsn 5305000145454. the fastener length is 0.375 inches.
electrical special purpose cable nsn 6145000145447. the conductor form is stranded all conductors
incandescent lamp nsn 6240000145431. the emitted light characteristic is colorless
incandescent lamp nsn 6240000145416. the light output rating is 21.000 beam candlepower single rating
drive screw nsn 5305000145393. the nondefinitive spec/std data is u type and 1p style.
drive screw nsn 5305000145385.the fastener length is 0.500 inches
drive screw nsn 5305000145382. the nonmachine thread style is drive screw (type u).
drive screw nsn 5305000145373. the pilot diameter is 0.112 inches minimum and 0.116 inches maximum
drive screw nsn 5305000145369. the nonmachine nominal thread diameter is 0.114 inches
drive screw nsn 5305000145368. the material is steel comp 1010 or steel comp 1011 or steel comp 1015 or steel comp 1016 or steel comp 1018 or steel comp 1019 or steel comp 1020
recessed washer nsn 5310000145764. the hole diameter is 0.625 inches minimum and 0.630 inches maximum.
support hook nsn 5340000145779. the mounting hole diameter is 0.168 inches minimum and 0.174 inches maximum