Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

1560-00-014-5783 Door Landing Gear Sill
12/08/24 02:46pm

door landing gear sill nsn 1560000145783. the end item identification is f-4 aircraft

1560-00-014-5782 Door Landing Gear Sill
12/08/24 01:44pm

door landing gear sill nsn 1560000145782. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloyqq-a-367condition 7075-t6

1560-00-014-5780 Bypass Fitting
12/08/24 12:36pm

bypass fitting nsn 1560000145780. the end item identification is a-4 aircraft.

1560-00-014-5778 Fairing Assembly
12/08/24 11:35am

fairing assembly nsn 1560000145778. the end item identification is aircraft model c2/e2.

5330-00-014-5776 Gasket
12/08/24 10:24am

gasket nsn 5330000145776. the sectional thickness cross is 0.125 inches.

1560-00-014-5772 Aircraft Fuel Tank
12/08/24 09:20am

aircraft fuel tank nsn 1560000145772. the end item identification is aircraft model sh-3a

6130-00-014-5765 Power Supply Subassembly
12/08/24 08:16am

power supply subassembly nsn 6130000145765. the major component is the capacitor 10diode 8integrated circuit2potentiometer 2resistor 20terminal board 1transistor 2

5985-00-014-5838 Antenna Reflector
12/08/24 07:15am

antenna reflector nsn 5985000145838.

NSN 5820-00-015-3650 Radio Frequency Tuner
12/08/24 06:09am

rectangular or square

NSN 5950-00-015-3636 Radio Frequency Coil
12/07/24 06:24pm

radio frequency coil nsn 5950000153636. the turn quantity is 5 single component single winding

NSN 3110-00-015-2306 Outer Bearing Ring
12/07/24 04:09pm

outer bearing ring nsn 3110000152306. the bore diameter is between 2.175 inches and 2.18 inches

NSN 2840-00-015-2171 Aircraft Ga Turbine Rotor Spacer
12/07/24 02:00pm

aircraft ga turbine rotor spacer nsn 2840000152171. the end item identification is t56 engine

5840-00-015-1280 Return Switch
12/07/24 11:44am

return switch nsn 5840000151280.

NSN 3130-00-014-8388 Assembly Housing
12/07/24 10:39am

honeywell international assembly housing nsn 3130000148388.

4720-00-014-6843 Nonmetallic Hose Assembly
12/07/24 09:34am

nonmetallic hose assembly nsn 4720000146843. the connection style is swivel nut flare 1st end

5910-00-014-6264 Glass Dielectric Fixed Capacitor
12/07/24 08:25am

glass dielectric fixed capacitor nsn 5910000146264. 0.0 single section is the iii temp coefficient of capacitance per section in ppm per deg celsius

NSN 4920-00-015-4329 Aircraft Maintenance Fixture
12/07/24 07:12am

aircraft maintenance fixture nsn 4920000154329. the special features is the dwg name- wheel balance cradl.

5940-00-014-5825 Terminal Board
12/07/24 06:02am

terminal board nsn 5940000145825. the mounting hole diameter is 0.102 inches

5998-00-014-5823 Circuit Card Assembly
12/07/24 05:00am

circuit card assembly nsn 5998000145823.

NSN 5996-00-014-5822 Electronic Control Amplifier
12/06/24 06:47pm

kearfott corporation electronic control amplifier nsn 5996000145822

NSN 6610-00-014-5819 Gear And Shaft Assy
12/06/24 05:48pm

carleton life support systems gear and shaft assy nsn 6610000145819

Compression Helical Spring NSN 5360-00-014-5816
12/06/24 04:48pm

compression helical spring nsn 5360000145816. the end style is e4 spring end squared and ground both ends

NSN 5977-00-014-5815 Electrical Contact Brush Holder
12/06/24 02:35pm

astronautics corporation of america electrical contact brush holder nsn 5977000145815

NSN 6610-00-014-5814 Block Assembly Brush
12/06/24 01:31pm

astronautics corporation of america block assembly brush nsn 6610000145814

NSN 6610-00-014-5813 Dial Assembly
12/06/24 12:30pm

astronautics corporation of america dial assembly nsn 6610000145813

Gasket NSN 5330-00-014-5810
12/06/24 11:29am

gasket nsn 5330000145810. the material is rubber butadiene-acrylonitrile class nbr or rubber butadiene-styrene class sbr or rubber chloroprene class cr

3020-00-014-5803 Spur Antibacklash Gear
12/06/24 09:09am

spur antibacklash gear nsn 3020000145803. the face nominal width is 0.141 inches.

5995-00-014-5800 Radio Frequency Cable Assembly
12/06/24 08:07am

radio frequency cable assembly nsn 5995000145800. the sectional shape style cross is round

5360-00-014-5799 Compression Helical Spring
12/06/24 07:04am

compression helical spring nsn 5360000145799. the inside diameter is 0.205 inches minimum

1560-00-014-5797 Duct Assembly
12/06/24 06:02am

duct assembly nsn 1560000145797. the general characteristics item description is material thermoplastic polycarbonate sheet