Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

NSN 5950-00-014-6020 Radio Frequency Coil
12/18/24 11:54am

radio frequency coil nsn 5950000146020. the inductance rating is 3.01 microhenries single component single winding

4130-00-014-6013 Gasket Base Plate
12/18/24 10:49am

gasket base plate nsn 4130000146013.

5815-00-014-6004 Arm Follower
12/18/24 09:39am

arm follower nsn 5815000146004. the fsc application data is teletype and facsimile equipment

5999-00-014-6003 Electrical Clip
12/18/24 08:32am

electrical clip nsn 5999000146003. the overall length is 0.930 inches

5330-00-014-6157 Gasket
12/18/24 07:20am

gasket nsn 5330000146157. the hole diameter is 0.490 inches minimum and 0.520 inches maximum

4920-00-014-6106 Aircraft Maintenance Fixture
12/18/24 06:07am

aircraft maintenance fixture nsn 4920000146106. the reference data and literature is to 8d10-2-22-4

4920-00-014-6105 Aircraft Maintenance Fixture
12/18/24 05:00am

aircraft maintenance fixture nsn 4920000146105. the functional description is used on actuator output shaft to position the arm on the shaft and check the arm travel.

4920-00-014-6104 Aircraft Maintenance Test Cap
12/17/24 06:54pm

aircraft maintenance test cap nsn 4920000146104. the special feature is the c/o gap-cap assy 1clamp-coupling assy 1ring-coupling assy 1 nut-coupling assy 1spring pin 1o ring 1; fits tube size 1 in

4920-00-014-6103 Aircraft Maintenance Test Cap
12/17/24 05:44pm

aircraft maintenance test cap nsn 4920000146103. the special features are assigned name: cap pressure test; c/o 1 ea gap cap assy clamp compression assy ring compression assy nut spring pin and o-ring; ref ms33660 and ms10060; tube size 2.5 in

NSN 6685-00-014-6081 Resistor The Temperature Monitor
12/17/24 04:40pm

resistor the temperature monitor nsn 6685000146081. the general characteristics item description is c/o resistor 20; switchthumbwheel 1; used on temperature monitoring panel

4920-00-014-6070 Jumper Board Assemb
12/17/24 03:29pm

jumper board assemb nsn 4920000146070.

4920-00-014-6063 Aircraft Maintenance Fixture
12/17/24 02:27pm

aircraft maintenance fixture nsn 4920000146063. the end item identification is fb-111 acft age.

4920-00-014-6060 Aircraft Maintenance Fixture
12/17/24 01:21pm

aircraft maintenance fixture nsn 4920000146060. the end item identification is fb-111 acft age.

6625-00-014-6045 Sweep Generator
12/17/24 12:21pm

sweep generator nsn 6625000146045. the installation design is module

6625-00-014-6041 Radio Frequency Bolometer
12/17/24 11:18am

radio frequency bolometer nsn 6625000146041. the frequency range rating is +0.1 to 10.0 gigahertz

NSN 6625-00-014-6029 Multiple Scale Meter
12/17/24 10:14am

multiple scale meter nsn 6625000146029. the center to center distance between mounting facilities parallel to length is 5.250 inches

5998-00-014-6027 Circuit Card Assembly
12/17/24 09:12am

circuit card assembly nsn 5998000146027. the special features is capacitors 6cup core assys 5inductors 5pad 1resistors 3transistor 1

6625-00-014-6023 Resistor Test Set
12/17/24 08:11am

resistor test set nsn 6625000146023. the fsc application data is f111 aircraft

4920-00-014-6107 Landing Ta Test Set
12/17/24 07:07am

landing ta test set nsn 4920000146107. the special feature is the company item name-test set landing ta

5307-00-014-6227 Plain Stud
12/17/24 06:03am

plain stud nsn 5307000146227. the thread pitch diameters is +0.2214/+0.2230 inches stud thread

3810-00-014-6223 Truck Mounted Crane
12/17/24 05:00am

truck mounted crane nsn 3810000146223. the boom design is nontelescoping

2420-00-014-6221 Industrial Wheeled Tractor
12/16/24 06:29pm

industrial wheeled tractor nsn 2420000146221. the overall length is 10.500 feet

5355-00-014-6217 Dial Pointer
12/16/24 05:13pm

dial pointer nsn 5355000146217. the attachment method is press fit.

3655-00-014-6208 Liquid Argon-nitrog Storage Tank
12/16/24 04:03pm

liquid argon-nitrog storage tank nsn 3655000146208. the load rating is 50.000 gallons

5962-00-014-6200 Digital Microcircuit
12/16/24 02:49pm

digital microcircuit nsn 5962000146200. the inclosure material is ceramic

5962-00-014-6199 Digital Microcircuit
12/16/24 01:47pm

digital microcircuit nsn 5962000146199. the inclosure material is ceramic.

5962-00-014-6198 Digital Microcircuit
12/16/24 12:44pm

digital microcircuit nsn 5962000146198. the storage temp range is -65.0/+150.0 deg celsius

5962-00-014-6197 Digital Microcircuit
12/16/24 11:36am

digital microcircuit nsn 5962000146197. the body height is 0.030 inches minimum and 0.070 inches maximum.

5962-00-014-6196 Digital Microcircuit
12/16/24 10:36am

digital microcircuit nsn 5962000146196. the body length is 0.240 inches minimum and 0.275 inches maximum

5962-00-014-6192 Linear Microcircuit
12/16/24 09:28am

linear microcircuit nsn 5962000146192.