Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

Control Head Cover NSN 1680-00-015-1701
01/09/25 03:59pm

control head cover nsn 1680000151701.

Rotor And Shaft Ass NSN 2915-00-015-1686
01/09/25 02:56pm

rotor and shaft ass nsn 2915000151686. the end item identification is aircraft model c130

Sliding Valve Assembly NSN 1680-00-015-1693
01/09/25 01:46pm

sliding valve assembly nsn 1680000151693. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloy 2024-t4 qq-a-268 t6 temp

Radio Frequency Amplifier NSN 5996-00-015-0436
01/09/25 12:40pm

the end item identification is common electronic communication

NSN 3040-00-015-1688 Shouldered Shaft
01/09/25 10:34am

shouldered shaft nsn 3040000151688. the material is steel comp 410

5365-00-014-8315 Sleeve Spacer
01/09/25 08:19am

sleeve spacer nsn 5365000148315. the body outside diameter is 2.9500 inches minimum and 2.9550 inches maximum

4730-00-014-8311 Tube To Boss Straight Adapter
01/09/25 07:13am

tube to boss straight adapter nsn 4730000148311. the nominal thread size is 0.312 inches 2nd end

NSN 5305-00-015-0771 Wood Screw
01/09/25 06:06am

wood screw nsn 5305000150771. the head height is 0.075 inches minimum and 0.086 inches maximum

5950-00-014-8309 Transformer Assembly
01/09/25 05:00am

transformer assembly nsn 5950000148309. the reliability indicator is not established.

NSN 5930-00-015-0744 Push Switch
01/08/25 06:29pm

push switch nsn 5930000150744. the illuminated actuator color is brown single actuator

NSN 5365-00-015-0707 Pump Bearing Ring
01/08/25 05:19pm

pump bearing ring nsn 5365000150707.

NSN 5365-00-015-0697 Pump Retaining Ring
01/08/25 04:19pm

pump retaining ring nsn 5365000150697.

NSN 2815-00-015-0693 Camsh Dowel Bushing
01/08/25 03:18pm

camsh dowel bushing nsn 2815000150693.

NSN 5365-00-015-0691 Camshaft Po Bushing
01/08/25 02:09pm

camshaft po bushing nsn 5365000150691.

NSN 5365-00-015-0690 Cams Thrust Bushing
01/08/25 01:02pm

cams thrust bushing nsn 5365000150690.

NSN 5365-00-015-0689 Camshaft Bushing
01/08/25 11:54am

camshaft bushing nsn 5365000150689.

NSN 5365-00-015-0688 Sh Coupling Bushing
01/08/25 10:44am

sh coupling bushing nsn 5365000150688.

NSN 5365-00-015-0687 Camshaft Bushing
01/08/25 09:34am

camshaft bushing nsn 5365000150687.

NSN 5365-00-015-0670 Drive Gear Bushing
01/08/25 08:22am

drive gear bushing nsn 5365000150670.

NSN 5330-00-015-0632 Gasket
01/08/25 07:15am

gasket nsn 5330000150632.

NSN 2990-00-015-0623 Release Valve
01/08/25 06:10am

release valve nsn 2990000150623.

NSN 5305-00-015-0780 Wood Screw
01/08/25 05:01am

wood screw nsn 5305000150780. the nonmachine nominal thread diameter is 0.112 inches

NSN 6240-00-015-0408 Cartridge Lamp
01/07/25 06:44pm

cartridge lamp nsn 6240000150408. the cartridge style is short cylindrical

NSN 2920-00-015-0419 El Engine Starter Relay-solenoid
01/07/25 05:39pm

el engine starter relay-solenoid nsn 2920000150419. the nominal voltage rating is 12.0 volts

NSN 9905-00-015-0383 Instruction Plate
01/07/25 04:29pm

instruction plate nsn 9905000150383. the thickness is 0.020 inches

NSN 5935-00-015-0410 Electrical Receptacle Connector
01/07/25 03:14pm

electrical receptacle connector nsn 5935000150410.

NSN 5935-00-015-0398 Electrical Connector Shell
01/07/25 02:08pm

electrical connector shell nsn 5935000150398. the body width is 3.687 inches

NSN 5915-00-015-0397 Radio Frequency Interfere Filter
01/07/25 01:03pm

radio frequency interfere filter nsn 5915000150397. the vibration resistance range in hertz is +10.0 to 55.0

NSN 4020-00-015-0417 Fibrous Rope
01/07/25 11:53am

fibrous rope nsn 4020000150417. the material and location is nylon

NSN 4710-00-015-0415 Metal Tube Assembly
01/07/25 10:44am

metal tube assembly nsn 4710000150415. the thread class is 3b single end