Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

5970-00-014-9100 Electric Insulating Compound Kit
01/12/25 11:39am

electric insulating compound kit nsn 5970000149100. the component quantity is 2.

NSN 5970-00-014-9082 Bushing Insulator
01/12/25 10:29am

shank outside diameter between 0.37 inches and 0.38 inches

5305-00-014-9046 Wood Screw
01/12/25 09:29am

wood screw nsn 5305000149046.the internal drive style is cross recess type 1

5305-00-014-9001 Wood Screw
01/12/25 08:25am

wood screw nsn 5305000149001. the fastener length is 1.500 inches

5970-00-014-8995 Electrical Insulation Sleeving
01/12/25 07:16am

electrical insulation sleeving nsn 5970000148995. the temp rating is -67.0 deg fahrenheit and 275.0 deg fahrenheit

5310-00-014-8590 Flat Washer
01/12/25 06:11am

flat washer nsn 5310000148590. the sectional shape style cross is rectangular

5310-00-014-8589 Insulating Washer
01/12/25 05:00am

insulating washer nsn 5310000148589.

5310-00-014-8587 Hexagon Plain Nut
01/11/25 06:02pm

hexagon plain nut nsn 5310000148587. the thread direction is right-hand

5310-00-014-8585 Flat Washer
01/11/25 04:59pm

flat washer nsn 5310000148585. the peripheral shape style is round

5330-00-014-8565 Seal
01/11/25 03:57pm

seal nsn 5330000148565. the general characteristics item description is fpr 0.787 in. dia shaft2.770 in. od6 holes 0.160 in. non dia

5330-00-014-8564 Seal
01/11/25 02:47pm

seal nsn 5330000148564.

5320-00-014-8497 Solid Rivet
01/11/25 01:39pm

solid rivet nsn 5320000148497. the shank diameter is 0.124 inches minimum and 0.128 inches maximum

5305-00-014-9352 Wood Screw
01/11/25 12:33pm

wood screw nsn 5305000149352. the fastener length is 1.250 inches

5330-00-014-8483 Air Seal
01/11/25 11:26am

honeywell international inc. aluminum case anodic finish mil-a-8625 2.3 in. lg 2.667 in. od 1.685 in. id

NSN 1680-00-015-1707 Actu Handcrank Assy
01/11/25 10:24am

lockheed martin corporation actu handcrank assy nsn 1680000151707.

NSN 1680-00-015-1705 Aircraft Universal Joint
01/11/25 09:18am

lockheed martin corporation aircraft universal joint nsn 1680000151705.

Aircraft Torque Tube Assembly NSN 1680-00-015-1704
01/11/25 08:17am

aircraft torque tube assembly nsn 1680000151704.

Forward Control Stop NSN 1680-00-015-1703
01/11/25 07:13am

forward control stop nsn 1680000151703.

NSN 1430-00-015-0462 Mirror Assembly
01/11/25 06:03am

mirror assembly nsn 1430000150462. the general characteristics item description is composed of mirror 1 insert 2 mount 1

Aft Control Co Stop NSN 1680-00-015-1702
01/11/25 05:00am

aft control co stop nsn 1680000151702.

NSN 6760-00-015-0461 Photographic Condenser Lens
01/10/25 06:22pm

lens focal length 6.5 inches. the length is 0.12 inches

5325-00-014-8473 Turnlock Fastener Stud Assembly
01/10/25 05:15pm

arconic global fasteners & rings turnlock fastener stud assembly nsn 5325000148473.

Control Column Head NSN 1680-00-015-1700
01/10/25 03:11pm

control column head nsn 1680000151700.

Emergency Handle NSN 1680-00-015-1697
01/10/25 02:05pm

emergency handle nsn 1680000151697. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloy

Balance Assembly 1430-00-015-0460
01/10/25 12:59pm

balance assembly nsn 1430000150460. the general characteristics item description is 2.688 in. lg. 1.875 in. w. 2.875 in. h.

NSN 6150-00-015-0449 Electrical Rotating Equip Housing
01/10/25 11:49am

u s army aviation and missile electrical rotating equip housing nsn 6150000150449. the material is aluminum alloy

NSN 7510-00-015-0448 Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tape
01/10/25 09:33am

material transparency opaque. the core nominal diameter is 1.0 inches

NSN 7510-00-015-0447 Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tape
01/10/25 07:11am

surface luster matte pressure sensitive adhesive tape nsn 7510000150447. the material is plastic cellulose acetate

Multiplexer Subassembly NSN 5895-00-015-0437
01/10/25 05:00am

the component type and quantity is 2 gear and 2 washer and ring

Keyway Washer NSN 5310-00-014-8427
01/09/25 06:16pm

ge aviation systems llc keyway washer nsn 5310000148427.