Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

NSN 5945-00-018-1270 Rotary Relay
01/15/25 07:15am

rotary relay nsn 5945000181270. the contact terminal quantity is 3. the coil terminal quantity is 3. the common terminal quantity is 3.

NSN 5306-00-018-1343 Machine Bolt
01/15/25 05:00am

machine bolt nsn 5306000181343. the thread class is 2a. the thread length is 0.875 inches minimum. the fastener length is 1.5 inches.

2835-00-015-0366 Pin
01/14/25 05:04pm

pin nsn 2835000150366.

NSN 5935-00-018-1359 Electrical Receptacle Connector
01/14/25 04:03pm

electrical receptacle connector nsn 5935000181359. the shell type is solid. the shell material is aluminum alloy. the shell surface treatment is cadmium and chromate.

NSN 5306-00-018-1086 Machine Bolt
01/14/25 01:55pm

steel material

NSN 5315-00-015-0365 Threaded Tapered Pin
01/14/25 11:27am

steel material

5315-00-015-0363 Headed Straight Pin
01/14/25 09:20am

height 0.035 inches

5340-00-007-6525 Bow Handle
01/14/25 07:07am

bow handle nsn 5340000076525. raytheon company. cage code 96214

2835-00-015-0356 Pivot Link
01/14/25 06:04am

engine gas turbine

NSN 4920-00-015-1725 Aircraft Maintenance Fixture
01/14/25 05:00am

hamilton sundstrand corporation aircraft maintenance fixture nsn 4920000151725. valve positioner is the functional description

5310-00-007-6280 Flaring Self-locking Nut
01/13/25 06:09pm

10-32 unjf 3b sleeve steel fed-std-66 type 304 nut and bracket steel carbon sleeve nut and bracket cadmium finish qq-p-416 type 2 class 3 w/dry film lubricant on nut only floating 0.062 in. min 0.094 in. max panel thk prevailing torque all met

5330-00-007-6279 Gasket
01/13/25 05:08pm

gasket nsn 5330000076279. style designator:no.60 irregular shape from fiig a03200

5330-00-007-6278 Gasket
01/13/25 04:00pm

gasket nsn 5330000076278. style designator:no.60 irregular shape from fiig a03200

NSN 5330-00-007-6277 Gasket
01/13/25 02:57pm

cross-sectional shape style:no.195 irregular shape from fiig a03200. dressta north america ltd

3020-00-015-1713 Gear Cluster
01/13/25 01:51pm

gear cluster nsn 3020000151713. the construction is assembled

1710-00-015-1712 Drive Hub
01/13/25 12:45pm

drive hub nsn 1710000151712. the end item identification is p/n 62j35551

NSN 2915-00-015-1711 Retainer Seal
01/13/25 11:31am

hamilton sundstrand retainer seal nsn 2915000151711. engine aircraft j75p17 is the end item identification

NSN 1430-00-015-0464 Clamp
01/13/25 10:26am

clamp nsn 1430000150464. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloy qq-a-268 temper t4

5360-00-007-6272 Special Spring
01/13/25 09:18am

special spring nsn 5360000076272. mfg is electric boat corporation. mfg cage code is 96169.

5360-00-007-6271 Special Spring
01/13/25 08:18am

special spring nsn 5360000076271. manufacturer is bacharach inc. part numbers for this nsn include 67-1573.

NSN 5305-00-014-9349 Wood Screw
01/13/25 07:17am

wood screw nsn 5305000149349. the material document and classification is ansi b18.6.1 assn std single material response or astm b16 assn std single material response or astm b36 assn std single material response or astm b633 assn std single material resp

5305-00-014-9307 Wood Screw
01/13/25 06:10am

wood screw nsn 5305000149307. the head style is flat countersunk

5305-00-014-9304 Wood Screw
01/13/25 05:00am

wood screw nsn 5305000149304. the head diameter is 0.292 inches minimum and 0.332 inches maximum.

5305-00-014-9301 Wood Screw
01/12/25 06:15pm

wood screw nsn 5305000149301. the nonmachine nominal thread diameter is 0.164 inches.

5305-00-014-9289 Wood Screw
01/12/25 05:11pm

wood screw nsn 5305000149289. the head style is flat countersunk.

NSN 5305-00-014-9262 Wood Screw
01/12/25 04:09pm

wood screw nsn 5305000149262. the head diameter is 0.257 inches minimum and 0.279 inches maximum

NSN 5305-00-014-9247 Wood Screw
01/12/25 03:04pm

wood screw nsn 5305000149247. the material is copper alloy 260 or copper alloy 268 or copper alloy 260 or copper alloy 268 or copper alloy 260 or copper alloy 270

5305-00-014-9211 Wood Screw
01/12/25 01:56pm

wood screw nsn 5305000149211. the internal drive style is cross recess type 1.

5970-00-014-9110 Plate Insulator
01/12/25 12:40pm

plate insulator nsn 5970000149110. the overall height is 0.110 inches

5970-00-014-9100 Electric Insulating Compound Kit
01/12/25 11:39am

electric insulating compound kit nsn 5970000149100. the component quantity is 2.