Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

5350-00-015-1533 Lapping And Grinding Compound
01/17/25 06:00pm

compound weight 1 ounces

NSN 4720-00-015-1534 Nonmetallic Tubing Assembly
01/17/25 04:56pm

aluminum material

5930-00-015-0794 Rotary Switch
01/17/25 03:51pm

rotary switch nsn 5930000150794. the hazardous locations/environmental protection is watertight and corrosion resistant

NSN 2815-00-018-2552 Oil Pump Housing Assembly
01/17/25 02:44pm

oil pump housing assembly nsn 2815000182552. the general characteristics item description is consists of housing 1 bushing 1 pin cotter 1 pin straight 1 5.5 in. lg 3.562 in. wide 1.438 in. @high

5970-00-018-1297 Semicondu Insulator
01/17/25 11:26am

semicondu insulator nsn 5970000181297.

5961-00-018-1295 Semiconductor Device Set
01/17/25 10:23am

component name and quantity 3 semiconductor device diode

NSN 5820-00-018-0938 Assy Filtor D Frame
01/17/25 09:15am

assy filtor d frame nsn 5820000180938. other reference numbers are 8646816 and 8646816-501

NSN 2090-00-016-7663 Chart Table Top
01/17/25 08:09am

chart table top nsn 2090000167663. the reference number differentiating characteristics are size 84 in. w/o chronometer drawer

NSN 2090-00-016-7662 Chart Table Top
01/17/25 07:04am

chart table top nsn 2090000167662. the reference number differentiating characteristics are size 56 in. w/rh chronometer drawer

NSN 2090-00-016-7660 Chart Table Top
01/17/25 06:03am

chart table top nsn 2090000167660. the reference number differentiating characteristics is size 56 in. w/lh chronometer drawer

NSN 5120-00-016-7657 Terminal Crim Contact Positioner
01/17/25 05:00am

terminal crim contact positioner nsn 5120000167657. the special features are positioner only; basic tool 5120-00-165-3910 not included

NSN 5120-00-016-7654 Terminal Crim Contact Positioner
01/16/25 06:15pm

terminal crim contact positioner nsn 5120000167654. the tool type for which designed is hand

Terminal Crim Contact Positioner NSN 5120-00-016-7647
01/16/25 05:09pm

terminal crim contact positioner nsn 5120000167647. the contact size for which designed is alternate os-12814 type m

5306-00-018-1084 Machine Bolt
01/16/25 04:04pm

fastener length 0.625in. ⁓5/8

NSN 5330-00-016-6911 Plain Encased Seal
01/16/25 02:46pm

plain encased seal nsn 5330000166911. the accommodated shaft diameter is between 2.622 inches and 2.628 inches

NSN 3610-00-017-0155 Sheet Holder Tongue
01/16/25 01:42pm

sheet holder tongue nsn 3610000170155. another reference number is 380n02

6625-00-015-0193 Ammeter
01/16/25 11:30am

ammeter nsn 6625000150193. the center to center distance between mounting facilities parallel to length is 1.870 inches minimum and 1.880 inches maximum

5961-00-015-0152 Transistor
01/16/25 10:28am

transistor nsn 5961000150152. the overall length is 0.250 inches

5961-00-015-0151 Diode Semiconductor Device
01/16/25 09:22am

diode semiconductor device nsn 5961000150151. the overall width across flats is 0.687 inches maximum

5961-00-015-0148 Diode Semiconductor Device
01/16/25 08:19am

diode semiconductor device nsn 5961000150148. the features provided is hermetically sealed case

5905-00-015-0135 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor
01/16/25 07:10am

wire wound fixed resistor nsn 5905000150135. the terminal type is wire lead

NSN 5305-00-018-1260 Hexagon Head Cap Screw
01/16/25 06:00am

hexagon head cap screw nsn 5305000181260. the material is steel. the surface treatment is phosphate. the thread series designator is unc.

5935-00-015-0124 Electrical Plug Connector
01/16/25 05:00am

electrical plug connector nsn 5935000150124. the body style is straight shape internal coupling w/backshell

5905-00-015-0119 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor
01/15/25 06:09pm

wire wound fixed resistor nsn 5905000150119. the resistance tolerance in percent is -3.000 to 3.000

5905-00-015-0118 Wire Wound Fixed Resistor
01/15/25 05:10pm

wire wound fixed resistor nsn 5905000150118. the temp coefficient of resistance in ppm per deg celsius is -20.0/+20.0.

NSN 1680-00-007-6518 Seat Installation H
01/15/25 04:05pm

sikorsky aircraft corporation. seat installation is made of aluminum alloy. nsn 1680000076518.

NSN 9905-00-015-0378 Identification Plate
01/15/25 03:02pm

aluminum material

NSN 5910-00-018-1269 Ceramic Dielectr Fixed Capacitor
01/15/25 12:48pm

ceramic dielectr fixed capacitor nsn 5910000181269. the body style is w/o mtg facilities radial terminals. the body diameter is 0.96 inches. the body length is 0.22 inches.

NSN 5910-00-018-1342 Paper Dielectric Fixed Capacitor
01/15/25 10:45am

paper dielectric fixed capacitor nsn 5910000181342. another reference number is a0132-01459. the cage codes are 99380 and 06351.

NSN 5315-00-015-0368 Headless Straight Pin
01/15/25 09:34am

steel material