Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

NSN 1560-00-015-4738 Actuator Support
01/23/25 07:16am

actuator support nsn 1560000154738. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloy

Tin Alloy Solder NSN 3439-00-015-5327
01/23/25 06:00am

tin alloy solder nsn 3439000155327. the diameter is 0.063 inches

NSN 5305-00-015-5298 Machine Screw
01/23/25 05:00am

machine screw nsn 5305000155298. the thread direction is right-hand

2995-00-015-8789 Air Engine Starter Rotor
01/22/25 06:29pm

make from 354983 forging fscm 99193 4.778 in. min 4.78 in. max od 0.32 in. min 0.36 in. max id hub 4.87 in. min 4.96 in. max lg 0.9 in. min 0.92 in. max od shaft 0.429 in. min 0.437 in. max id external spline 14 teeth

NSN 1560-00-015-4725 Secondary Control Pulley Bracket
01/22/25 05:24pm

secondary control pulley bracket nsn 1560000154725. the general characteristics item description is aluminum alloy8.950 in. lg5.670 in. w

NSN 3130-00-015-4662 Plain Bearing Unit
01/22/25 04:13pm

plain bearing unit nsn 3130000154662. the mounting slot width is 0.5625 inches

NSN 5865-00-015-4615 Roller And Shaft Assembly
01/22/25 03:04pm

roller and shaft assembly nsn 5865000154615. the end item identification is an/ale-27

Straight Shaft NSN 3040-00-015-4377
01/22/25 01:59pm

straight shaft nsn 3040000154377. the end similarity is not identical

Fuel Control System Test Station NSN 4920-00-015-4309
01/22/25 12:48pm

fuel control system test station nsn 4920000154309. the end item identification is c-141 acft

NSN 4920-00-015-4306 Aircraft Engine Test Set
01/22/25 11:42am

howell instruments inc.. the end item identification is c141c acft

NSN 2920-00-015-3059 Motor Field Winding
01/22/25 10:36am

motor field winding nsn 2920000153059. the coil type and quantity is 4 flat

NSN 2920-00-015-3058 Motor Armature
01/22/25 09:29am

overall diameter between 3.322in. and 3.324in. ⁓3-21/64

5310-00-015-3048 Clinch Plain Nut
01/22/25 08:24am

pilot length 0.125 inches

5325-00-015-3035 Metallic Eyelet
01/22/25 07:18am

barrel height 0.235 inches

5325-00-015-3034 Metallic Eyelet
01/22/25 06:09am

barrel height 0.625 inches

5950-00-015-2955 Power Transformer
01/22/25 05:00am

frequency rating 400 hertz single component

5826-00-015-2377 Gear Assembly
01/21/25 06:10pm

gear assembly anti-backlash

NSN 1650-00-015-2288 Fluid Filter Element
01/21/25 05:02pm

fluid filter element nsn 1650000152288. filterfluidpressurehydraulic systemaircraft is the fsc application data

5340-00-015-2071 Ball Socket Seat
01/21/25 03:56pm

ball socket seat nsn 5340000152071. the material is steel

5360-00-015-2066 Compression Helical Spring
01/21/25 02:52pm

compression helical spring nsn 5360000152066. the spring free length is 5.090 inches

NSN 5315-00-015-2064 Headed Grooved Pin
01/21/25 01:44pm

ogden air logistics center. the head style is flat

4820-00-015-1983 Check Valve
01/21/25 12:44pm

check valve nsn 4820000151983. the valve operation method is automatic.

4710-00-015-1674 Metal Tube Assembly
01/21/25 11:38am

metal tube assembly nsn 4710000151674. the wall thickness is 0.020 inches

NSN 4710-00-015-1673 Metal Tube Assembly
01/21/25 10:33am

united technologies corporation. the bolt hole diameter is 0.280 inches single end

NSN 2840-00-015-1672 Diffuser Case Bracket Assembly
01/21/25 09:27am

united technologies corporation. consisting of 1 part no. 499733 bracket and 1 part no. 499734bracket is the general characteristics item description

4710-00-015-1668 Metal Tube Assembly
01/21/25 08:24am

wall thickness 0.035 inches

2840-00-015-1666 Metal Tube Assy
01/21/25 07:14am

acft eng tf-33

NSN 2840-00-015-1659 Gas Tur Compressor Duct
01/21/25 06:09am

overall length between 2.074in. and 2.094in. ⁓2-3/32 nickel material

2840-00-015-1660 Retaining Tub Plate
01/21/25 05:00am

steel ams 5510 2.75 in. bolt circle 1.63 min in. 1.635 max in. diameter of center hole 0.09 min 0.11 max in. w 0.276 min 0.286 max in. diameter of 3 holes eq sp

3020-00-015-1654 Groove Pulley
01/20/25 06:20pm

groove pulley nsn 3020000151654.