Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

NSN 1377-00-017-0682 Delay Cartridge
01/30/25 05:00am

delay time in seconds 0.225

NSN 3610-00-016-9787 Fiber Plug
01/29/25 06:02pm

fiber plug nsn 3610000169787.

NSN 3930-00-016-9772 Truck Front Wheel
01/29/25 04:53pm

truck front wheel nsn 3930000169772.

NSN 4920-00-016-9125 Travel Test Fixture
01/29/25 03:46pm

travel test fixture nsn 4920000169125.

Tire Bead Spacer Pad NSN 4910-00-016-8839
01/29/25 02:40pm

columbus jack corporation. another reference number is 8137-27

Tire Bead Breaker Adjuster NSN 4910-00-016-8837
01/29/25 01:34pm

columbus jack corporation tire bead breaker adjuster nsn 4910000168837.

NSN 4910-00-016-8811 Tire Bead Breaker Roller
01/29/25 12:33pm

tire bead breaker roller nsn 4910000168811.

3610-00-017-0023 Cylinder Tube
01/29/25 11:25am

the peelle company cylinder tube nsn 3610000170023

NSN 5315-00-016-9923 Plain Tapered Pin
01/29/25 10:22am

plain tapered pin nsn 5315000169923. the material is plastic

NSN 5310-00-016-9880 Round Plain Nut
01/29/25 09:12am

round plain nut nsn 5310000169880. the nut style is round

3920-00-016-9633 Ram Packing Washer
01/29/25 08:12am

barrett electronics corp ram packing washer nsn 3920000169633

NSN 5305-00-016-7125 Machine Screw
01/29/25 07:03am

steel screw material

NSN 7810-00-016-6814 Field Hockey Stick
01/29/25 06:03am

laneville ind school district field hockey stick nsn 7810000166814.

5360-00-016-6701 Compression Helical Spring
01/29/25 05:00am

inside diameter 0.214 inches

NSN 5305-00-016-6841 Machine Screw
01/28/25 06:22pm

minimum tensile strength 55000 pounds per square inch

NSN 5970-00-016-6179 Insulator Adapter
01/28/25 05:17pm

insulator adapter nsn 5970000166179.

NSN 4130-00-016-6100 Hinge Door Bracket
01/28/25 04:15pm

hinge door bracket nsn 4130000166100.

2090-00-016-7669 Chart Table Top
01/28/25 03:02pm

chart table top nsn 2090000167669. the cage code is 80064

Chart Table Top NSN 2090-00-016-7666
01/28/25 01:56pm

chart table top nsn 2090000167666. other reference numbers are 805-921996revggp9 and mil-f-902

2090-00-016-7665 Chart Table Top
01/28/25 12:55pm

chart table top nsn 2090000167665. the cage code is 80064

NSN 5355-00-016-5404 Knob
01/28/25 11:51am

knob nsn 5355000165404. the width is 0.45 inches

NSN 5342-00-016-5395 Grooved Clamp Coupling
01/28/25 10:49am

grooved clamp coupling nsn 5342000165395. the retainer width is 0.91 inches

NSN 5342-00-016-5394 Grooved Clamp Coupling
01/28/25 09:45am

grooved clamp coupling nsn 5342000165394. the inside diameter is 2.75 inches

NSN 5360-00-016-5393 Compression Helical Spring
01/28/25 08:26am

compression helical spring nsn 5360000165393. the end style is e4 spring end squared and ground both ends

Rocket Motor Carriage Positioner NSN 1450-00-016-4795
01/28/25 07:21am

rocket motor carriage positioner nsn 1450000164795. the reference data and literature is t.o. 21m-lgm30f-4-4 f95

NSN 5130-00-016-4779 Pneumatic Blind Riveter
01/28/25 06:09am

pneumatic blind riveter nsn 5130000164779. the rivet maximum diameter accommodated is 0.156 inches

NSN 5935-00-016-4735 Electric Receptacle Connector Body
01/28/25 05:00am

electric receptacle connector body nsn 5935000164735. the overall length is between 2.575in. and 2.615in. ⁓2-5/8

O-ring NSN 5331-00-016-5855
01/27/25 06:55pm

o-ring nsn 5331000165855. the center hole diameter is between 0.296 inches and 0.36 inches

NSN 5340-00-016-5833 Catch Strike
01/27/25 05:49pm

catch strike nsn 5340000165833. the overall length is 1.28in. ⁓1-9/32

Sleeve Spacer NSN 5365-00-016-5825
01/27/25 04:45pm

sleeve spacer nsn 5365000165825. the body inside diameter is between 0.44 inches and 0.49 inches