Updated National Stock Numbers

New content, products, and updates to national stock numbers.

NSN 5915-00-017-8865 Radio Frequency Interfere Filter
03/08/25 06:09pm

maximum dielectric withstanding dc voltage 1.25 kilovolts at sea level

4730-00-017-8846 Tube To Hose Elbow
03/08/25 04:59pm

leg length 1.5 inches 1st end

4730-00-017-8841 Tube To Hose Elbow
03/08/25 03:54pm

maximum operating temp 232 degrees celsius single response

Machine Screw NSN 5305-00-017-8832
03/08/25 02:47pm

machine screw nsn 5305000178832. the head diameter is between 0.666 inches and 0.698 inches

NSN 5305-00-017-8823 Machine Screw
03/08/25 01:44pm

machine screw nsn 5305000178823. the thread length is between 1.042in. and 1.125in. ⁓1-1/8

NSN 5331-00-017-8831 O-ring
03/08/25 12:40pm

o-ring nsn 5331000178831. the sectional height cross is 0.095 inches

NSN 3433-00-018-8130 Welding Torch Tip
03/08/25 11:30am

nsn 3433000188130. l-tec welding torch tip with no.4 with mixing throat conn nut and 2 replaceable o-rings for use with w200 torch body.

3431-00-018-8322 Welding Torch Collet Body
03/08/25 10:28am

welding torch collet body with a tungsten nonfiller. nsn 3431000188322.

NSN 1005-00-017-8809 Gun Insulator
03/08/25 09:24am

gun insulator nsn 1005000178809. the overall diameter is 0.443in. ⁓29/64

NSN 1005-00-017-8806 Breech Bolt
03/08/25 08:15am

breech bolt nsn 1005000178806. the overall length is 3.21in. ⁓3-7/32

5305-00-018-7993 Washer Screw
03/08/25 07:11am

steel comp washer screw with 18 thread quantity per inch. the nominal thread diameter is 0.312 inches. it has a primary washer outside diameter between 0.567 inches and 0.59 inches and flat external teeth. nsn 5305000187993.

5120-00-018-7989 Spanner Wrench
03/08/25 05:00am

spanner wrench made by eaton industrial corporation. with an overall length of 3.1in. ⁓3-7/64. nsn 5120000187989.

NSN 5305-00-017-8743 Machine Screw
03/07/25 06:28pm

machine screw nsn 5305000178743. the head diameter is between 0.452 inches and 0.57 inches

5945-00-018-9704 Electromagnetic Relay
03/07/25 05:24pm

electromagnetic relay nsn 5945000189704.

NSN 5998-00-018-9638 Circuit Card Assembly
03/07/25 04:13pm

espey mfg. & electronics corp. circuit card assembly nsn 5998000189638.

NSN 5320-00-017-8457 Solid Rivet
03/07/25 03:03pm

solid rivet nsn 5320000178457. the fastener length is 0.312in. ⁓5/16

NSN 4820-00-017-8454 Directional Control Linear Valve
03/07/25 01:55pm

directional control linear valve nsn 4820000178454. the end item identification is grumman aircraft a-10

NSN 5360-00-018-9679 Flat Spring
03/07/25 12:49pm

honeywell international inc. flat spring nsn 5360000189679.

NSN 4710-00-017-8431 Metal Tube Assembly
03/07/25 11:42am

metal tube assembly nsn 4710000178431. the wall thickness is 0.095 inches

NSN 2990-00-017-8681 Intake Manifold Assembly
03/07/25 10:38am

intake manifold assembly nsn 2990000178681. the end item identification is 28050178680

NSN 5910-00-018-9665 Ceramic Dielectr Fixed Capacitor
03/07/25 09:31am

avox systems inc. ceramic dielectr fixed capacitor nsn 5910000189665.

8030-00-018-9525 Belt Dressing And Preservative
03/07/25 07:17am

belt dressing and preservative nsn 8030000189525.

NSN 3020-00-017-8675 Helical Gear
03/07/25 06:08am

helical gear nsn 3020000178675. the body style is plain with lightening holes

NSN 5305-00-018-9585 Machine Screw
03/07/25 05:00am

daimler chrysler. machine screw nsn 5305000189585.

Machine Screw NSN 5305-00-018-9558
03/06/25 06:51pm

2a thread class. machine screw nsn 5305000189558.

5905-00-018-9557 Film Fixed Resistor
03/06/25 05:44pm

film fixed resistor nsn 5905000189557.

5310-00-017-8537 Lock Washer
03/06/25 04:40pm

outside diameter between 0.965 inches and 0.985 inches

5826-00-019-2707 Relay Mount Bracket
03/06/25 03:29pm

relay mount bracket nsn 5826000192707.

2840-00-019-2212 Front Oil Tank Cushion
03/06/25 02:25pm

overall length between 33in. and 34in. ⁓34-1/64

2840-00-019-2214 Front Bracket Assy
03/06/25 01:15pm

12.79 in. length 0.339 min 0.349 max in. diameter of 2 holes 0.37 min 0.317 max in. diameter of 1 hole 0.375 min 0.381 max in. diameter of 1 hole