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maximum dielectric withstanding dc voltage 1.25 kilovolts at sea level
maximum operating temp 232 degrees celsius single response
machine screw nsn 5305000178832. the head diameter is between 0.666 inches and 0.698 inches
machine screw nsn 5305000178823. the thread length is between 1.042in. and 1.125in. ⁓1-1/8
o-ring nsn 5331000178831. the sectional height cross is 0.095 inches
nsn 3433000188130. l-tec welding torch tip with no.4 with mixing throat conn nut and 2 replaceable o-rings for use with w200 torch body.
welding torch collet body with a tungsten nonfiller. nsn 3431000188322.
gun insulator nsn 1005000178809. the overall diameter is 0.443in. ⁓29/64
breech bolt nsn 1005000178806. the overall length is 3.21in. ⁓3-7/32
steel comp washer screw with 18 thread quantity per inch. the nominal thread diameter is 0.312 inches. it has a primary washer outside diameter between 0.567 inches and 0.59 inches and flat external teeth. nsn 5305000187993.
spanner wrench made by eaton industrial corporation. with an overall length of 3.1in. ⁓3-7/64. nsn 5120000187989.
machine screw nsn 5305000178743. the head diameter is between 0.452 inches and 0.57 inches
espey mfg. & electronics corp. circuit card assembly nsn 5998000189638.
solid rivet nsn 5320000178457. the fastener length is 0.312in. ⁓5/16
directional control linear valve nsn 4820000178454. the end item identification is grumman aircraft a-10
honeywell international inc. flat spring nsn 5360000189679.
metal tube assembly nsn 4710000178431. the wall thickness is 0.095 inches
intake manifold assembly nsn 2990000178681. the end item identification is 28050178680
avox systems inc. ceramic dielectr fixed capacitor nsn 5910000189665.
belt dressing and preservative nsn 8030000189525.
helical gear nsn 3020000178675. the body style is plain with lightening holes
daimler chrysler. machine screw nsn 5305000189585.
2a thread class. machine screw nsn 5305000189558.
outside diameter between 0.965 inches and 0.985 inches
overall length between 33in. and 34in. ⁓34-1/64
12.79 in. length 0.339 min 0.349 max in. diameter of 2 holes 0.37 min 0.317 max in. diameter of 1 hole 0.375 min 0.381 max in. diameter of 1 hole