FSC 9925 | Supplies Furnishings Ecclesiastical Equipment Catalog (822 Items)

All available NSNs related to Supplies Furnishings Ecclesiastical Equipment (Page 1 of 17)

National Stock Number Listings for 9925

NSN Description
9925-00-171-1314 Hymnbook Chest
9925-00-202-1651 Hymnody Set
9925-00-212-2873 Candlestick And Vase Set
9925-00-212-2876 Holy Water Container
9925-00-212-2887 Processional Candlestick
9925-00-212-2925 Electric Candleholder And Tray
9925-00-212-2929 Holy Wat Container And Srpinkler
9925-00-212-3014 Sanctuary Door Bell
9925-00-212-3016 Monstrance
9925-00-212-3092 Processional Crucifix
9925-00-213-6011 Sacristy Cabinet
9925-00-215-2646 Ciborium
9925-00-255-8734 Individual Communion Cup
9925-00-255-8742 Altar Fair Linen
9925-00-255-8743 Altar Fair Linen
9925-00-255-8745 Chaplain's Scarf
9925-00-255-8960 Chapel Communion Set
9925-00-264-3604 Altar Candlestick
9925-00-264-4628 Chapel Communion Set
9925-00-265-7089 Bible And Missal Stand
9925-00-268-7626 Sacramental Wine
9925-00-273-4541 Chapel Candelabra
9925-00-273-4544 Torah Pointer
9925-00-273-4545 Cross-crucifix
9925-00-273-4546 Altar Vase
9925-00-273-9024 Sacred Jewish Book
9925-00-273-9561 Candlelighter Taper
9925-00-274-3847 Baptismal Bowl
9925-00-275-1281 Bible And Missal Stand
9925-00-275-7312 Sanctus Bell
9925-00-275-7313 Candle Burner
9925-00-282-9251 Communion Cruet
9925-00-285-1285 Chaplain's Kit
9925-00-286-5892 Ecclesiastical Dossal
9925-00-419-8567 Credence Table
9925-00-501-7527 Hymn Board
9925-00-504-1733 Censer Set
9925-00-504-1745 Prie-dieu
9925-00-522-2100 Prayer Shawl
9925-00-522-2141 Yarmulke
9925-00-550-0056 Collection Plate
9925-00-639-8664 Chapel Candlelighter And Snuffer
9925-00-926-5205 Chaplain's Kit
9925-00-926-5206 Chaplain's Kit
9925-01-014-7212 Altar-lectern-pulpit Hanging Set
9925-01-020-1306 Cross-crucifix
9925-01-032-9971 Chapel Lectern
9925-01-033-0700 Chapel Pulpit
9925-01-088-7614 Censer Set Stand
9925-01-111-1971 Candle Holder And Cover

Select FSC 9925 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 11/24/2024 06:12pm view all ยป

NSN 9925-01-305-3411
Chaplain's Kit
Availability: 4
NSN 9925-00-171-1314
Hymnbook Chest
Availability: 169