FSC 8930 | Preserves Jellies Jams Catalog (135 Items)

All available NSNs related to Preserves Jellies Jams (Page 3 of 3)

National Stock Number Listings for 8930

NSN Description
8930-01-136-1488 Jam
8930-01-171-6880 Jelly
8930-01-207-3343 Peanut Butter
8930-01-216-1677 Jelly
8930-01-224-7903 Jelly
8930-01-271-5262 Jelly
8930-01-328-8485 Jelly
8930-01-328-8486 Peanut Butter
8930-01-333-2993 Jelly
8930-01-337-2097 Jelly
8930-01-347-1754 Peanut Butter
8930-01-368-2714 Jelly
8930-01-374-8852 Peanut Butter
8930-01-376-4818 Peanut Butter
8930-01-383-0091 Peanut Butter
8930-01-386-1019 Peanut Butter
8930-01-386-7296 Jelly
8930-01-393-4270 Jelly
8930-01-396-4009 Peanut Butter And Jelly
8930-01-398-6805 Peanut Butter
8930-01-419-7714 Peanut Butter
8930-01-420-3744 Peanut Butter
8930-01-426-4749 Jam Preserves
8930-01-426-4751 Jam Preserves
8930-01-426-4752 Jam Preserves
8930-01-426-4753 Jam Preserves
8930-01-433-1942 Jelly
8930-01-436-1912 Peanut Butter And Jam
8930-01-473-9251 Jelly
8930-01-474-3154 Jam
8930-01-487-7485 Jelly
8930-01-527-8226 Peanut Butter
8930-01-544-8589 Apple Butter
8930-01-555-4596 Peanut Butter
8930-01-555-4604 Peanut Butter


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 12/31/1969 07:00pm view all »