FSC 6940 | Communication Training Devices Catalog (935 Items)

All available NSNs related to Communication Training Devices (Page 3 of 19)

National Stock Number Listings for 6940

NSN Description
6940-00-295-2228 Waveguide Window
6940-00-295-2231 Waveguide Window
6940-00-295-2264 Trainer Indicator
6940-00-295-2282 Trainer Indicator
6940-00-295-2298 Tracking Control Assembly
6940-00-295-2301 Tracking Control Assembly
6940-00-295-2304 Sweep Generator Assembly
6940-00-297-3267 Radar Trainer
6940-00-299-1604 Manual Control Coupler Assembly
6940-00-299-1605 Transponder Receiver Assembly
6940-00-299-1606 Trainer Indicator Assembly
6940-00-299-1740 Outer Conductor Assembly
6940-00-299-1751 Helix
6940-00-299-1765 Trainer Transformer Assembly
6940-00-300-2192 Fourth Wheel Reroll
6940-00-300-2222 Simulator Group
6940-00-300-2332 Radar Trainer
6940-00-302-2847 Downlink Jamme Receiver Assembly
6940-00-302-2994 Command Servo Gear Box Assembly
6940-00-302-2995 Command Servo Gear Box Assembly
6940-00-302-3000 Trai Pedestal Indicator Assembly
6940-00-303-4353 Tracking Control Assembly
6940-00-303-4356 Reference Pedestal Servo
6940-00-303-4361 Target Receiver Assembly
6940-00-303-4374 Reference Receiver Assembly
6940-00-303-4378 Moving Target Indicator Assembly
6940-00-303-4395 Trainer Indicator Assembly
6940-00-303-4397 Sweep Control Assembly
6940-00-303-4405 Electrical Synchronizer
6940-00-303-4821 Training Set Window
6940-00-303-4956 Training Wheel And Tire Assembly
6940-00-303-5158 Training Set Heating Element
6940-00-303-5168 Trai Plugging Mechanism Assembly
6940-00-303-5494 Training Set Helix Feed Assembly
6940-00-303-5522 Train Gearbox Handwheel Assembly
6940-00-303-5539 Limit Switch Assembly
6940-00-307-2881 Training Set Reflector Assembly
6940-00-307-2953 Training Set Window
6940-00-307-2956 Training Set Reflector Assembly
6940-00-307-2964 Training Set S Band Flywheel
6940-00-308-7502 Shaft
6940-00-308-7508 Sprocket Wheel And
6940-00-310-4247 Electronic Console
6940-00-313-4747 Training S Limiter Discriminator
6940-00-313-4839 Mode Control
6940-00-315-0379 Training Set Mixer Preamplifier
6940-00-316-0918 Servo Motor Assembly
6940-00-318-7772 Countermeasures Signal Simulator
6940-00-319-1915 Limiter-discrimin Panel Assembly
6940-00-323-0099 Su Control Box Assembly

Select FSC 6940 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/18/2025 05:21am view all »

NSN 6940-01-203-6173
Radar Signal Simula
Availability: 2
NSN 6940-01-200-0174
Microwave Gain Horn
Availability: 2