FSC 5210 | Craftsmen's Measuring Tools Catalog (5,962 Items)

All available NSNs related to Craftsmen's Measuring Tools (Page 4 of 120)

National Stock Number Listings for 5210

NSN Description
5210-00-076-4538 Dial Indicating Depth Gage
5210-00-077-2760 Gage Block
5210-00-077-3185 Door Closed Ov Gage
5210-00-078-1377 Bench Supermicrometer Caliper
5210-00-078-3334 Tail Thr Protractor
5210-00-078-3381 Tail Thr Protractor
5210-00-078-3382 Aileron Protractor
5210-00-078-3905 Measuring Tape
5210-00-078-8944 Combination Square
5210-00-078-8946 Combination Square
5210-00-078-8947 Combination Square
5210-00-078-8948 Combination Square
5210-00-078-8949 Combination Square
5210-00-078-8950 Combination Square
5210-00-081-3977 Vernier Caliper
5210-00-081-4719 Measuring Tape
5210-00-081-5646 Measuring Construction Ball
5210-00-081-6052 Circular Vial Cylindrical Level
5210-00-081-6116 Dial Indicator
5210-00-081-6168 Dial Indicator
5210-00-081-7190 Feeler Gage
5210-00-083-0288 Thickness Gage Stock
5210-00-083-4712 Gaging Shaft
5210-00-083-9689 Plate Mounted Level
5210-00-084-0795 Sprocket Wear Gage
5210-00-084-0927 Straightedge
5210-00-084-1227 Connector Solder Gage
5210-00-084-2754 Shim Clearance Gage
5210-00-084-3352 Measuring Tape
5210-00-084-3381 Replacement Measuring Tape
5210-00-084-3938 Bench Level
5210-00-084-4889 Dial Indicator
5210-00-085-7475 Dial Indicating Depth Gage
5210-00-085-7575 Dial Indicating Depth Gage
5210-00-085-7623 Dial Indicating Depth Gage
5210-00-085-7703 Dial Indicating Depth Gage
5210-00-085-7963 Dial Indicating Depth Gage
5210-00-085-8273 Cylinder Gage
5210-00-085-8283 Cylinder Gage
5210-00-085-8321 Dial Indicating Depth Gage
5210-00-085-8491 Dial Indicating Depth Gage
5210-00-085-8717 Dial Indicating Depth Gage
5210-00-086-3469 Thimble Gage
5210-00-086-4988 Measuring Tape
5210-00-087-2864 Thickness Gage
5210-00-087-2867 Thickness Gage
5210-00-088-1945 Outside Micrometer Caliper Set
5210-00-089-3972 Gage Block
5210-00-091-9270 Thickness Gage Blade
5210-00-091-9272 Thickness Gage Blade

Select FSC 5210 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 12/16/2024 03:33pm view all »

NSN 5210-01-184-8074
Screw Thread Insert Gage
Availability: 7
NSN 5210-01-061-4254
Piston Leak Detector Vacuum Cup
Availability: 19
NSN 5210-01-204-7077
Screw Thread Insert Gage
Availability: 1
NSN 5210-01-418-0671
Digital Protractor
Availability: 21
NSN 5210-00-050-5232
Outside Micrometer Caliper
Availability: 345
NSN 5210-00-003-9939
Gage Block Set
Availability: 2
NSN 5210-00-833-2832
Dial Indicator
Availability: 1
NSN 5210-00-277-1618
Thickness Gage Stock
Availability: 27993