FSC 4940 | Miscellaneous Maintenance And Repair Shop Specialized Equipment Catalog (8,970 Items)

All available NSNs related to Miscellaneous Maintenance And Repair Shop Specialized Equipment (Page 13 of 180)

National Stock Number Listings for 4940

NSN Description
4940-00-278-0619 Bench Safety Parts Cleaning Can
4940-00-278-1234 Gate Valve Reseating Outfit
4940-00-278-1235 Gate Valve Reseating Outfit
4940-00-278-9622 Metal Repair Kit
4940-00-278-9626 Pressure Jet Steam Cleaner
4940-00-278-9627 Pressure Jet Steam Cleaner
4940-00-278-9808 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-283-7862 Spray Gun Parts Kit
4940-00-283-7887 Blast Cleaning Machine
4940-00-284-2473 Terminal Cap
4940-00-286-2666 Flammable Liquid Plunger Can
4940-00-286-2668 Bench Safety Parts Cleaning Can
4940-00-287-3217 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3218 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3219 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3220 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3221 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3222 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3223 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3224 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3225 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3226 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3227 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3228 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3229 Commutator Mica Milling Cutter
4940-00-287-3597 Paint Spray Gun
4940-00-287-4894 Semitrailer Moun Electronic Shop
4940-00-287-4930 Blast Cleaning Machine
4940-00-287-4956 Blast Cleaning Cabinet
4940-00-287-5404 Welding Shop Equipment
4940-00-287-6968 Blast Cleaning Cabinet
4940-00-287-7532 Nonelectric Wheel Balancer
4940-00-287-8269 Woodward Governor Test Stand
4940-00-287-8800 Paint Spray Gun
4940-00-287-9134 Rubber Covered Vulcanizing Mold
4940-00-288-1419 Spraying Booth
4940-00-288-1420 Spraying Booth
4940-00-288-1509 Spraying Booth
4940-00-288-1516 Blast Cleaning Cabinet
4940-00-288-4591 Self-propelle Servicing Platform
4940-00-288-6423 Globe-angle-cro Reseating Outfit
4940-00-288-6745 Valve Disk
4940-00-290-9331 Hydraulic Hose Assembly Tester
4940-00-293-9182 Degreaser
4940-00-294-4933 Rubber Covered Vulcanizing Mold
4940-00-294-5073 Rubber Covered Vulcanizing Mold
4940-00-294-5829 Paint Spray Outfit
4940-00-294-5936 Degreaser
4940-00-294-6294 Electr Armature Mica Undercutter
4940-00-294-6513 Blast Cleaning Machine

Select FSC 4940 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/24/2025 10:31am view all »

NSN 4940-01-643-3914
Mechanical Test Adapter
Availability: 18
NSN 4940-01-446-7695
Air Blow Gun
Availability: 1
NSN 4940-00-056-1019
Float Ball
Availability: 149
NSN 4940-01-216-0058
Air Blow Gun
Availability: 1
NSN 4940-01-511-6004
Ultrasonic Cleaner
Availability: 27
NSN 4940-01-237-3619
Electric Heat Gun
Availability: 2
NSN 4940-01-573-0843
Relay Breakout Harn
Availability: 1
NSN 4940-00-062-5661
Cleaner Protective Glove
Availability: 23