FSC 3449 | Miscellaneous Secondary Metal Forming And Cutting Machines Catalog (83 Items)

All available NSNs related to Miscellaneous Secondary Metal Forming And Cutting Machines (Page 2 of 2)

National Stock Number Listings for 3449

NSN Description
3449-01-253-4614 Universal Cutting Machine
3449-01-258-0039 Metal Spinning Lathe
3449-01-284-3950 Metal Spinning Lathe
3449-01-289-8492 Water Abrasive Cutting Machine
3449-01-313-0335 Robo Abrasivejet Cutting Machine
3449-01-318-2473 Metal Spinning Lathe
3449-01-319-5599 Cylinder Liner Press
3449-01-343-7338 Dot Peen Marking System
3449-01-346-2545 Cutting Fixture Rolled Rod
3449-01-352-4049 System Waterjet Cutter
3449-01-364-2155 Metal Spinning Lathe
3449-01-375-4442 Reinforcing Stee Cutting Machine
3449-01-375-5144 System Waterjet Cutter
3449-01-375-6828 Reinforcing Stee Cutting Machine
3449-01-375-8472 Reinforcing Stee Cutting Machine
3449-01-393-8826 Metal Spinning Lathe
3449-01-395-9939 Extruding Mach Pipe
3449-01-410-6910 Cutting Ultsonic Machine
3449-01-415-3821 Metal Spinning Lathe
3449-01-456-6460 Hand Operate Rod Cutting Machine
3449-01-494-9753 Stitcher Metal Sub
3449-01-494-9756 Stitcher Metal Sub
3449-01-494-9757 Stitcher Metal Sub
3449-01-494-9759 Stitcher Metal Sub
3449-01-494-9760 Stitcher Metal Sub
3449-01-494-9763 Stitcher Metal Sub
3449-01-494-9767 Stitcher Metal Sub
3449-01-516-2393 Chip Collector Base
3449-01-518-2983 P Drill Steel Sharpening Machine
3449-01-532-7234 Metal Stitcher
3449-01-555-3276 P Drill Steel Sharpening Machine
3449-01-631-3013 Waterjet Cutter
3449-01-649-9981 Metal Spinning Lathe

Select FSC 3449 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 12/31/1969 07:00pm view all »