FSC 2935 | Aircraft Prime Moving Engine System Cooling Components Catalog (955 Items)

All available NSNs related to Aircraft Prime Moving Engine System Cooling Components (Page 16 of 20)

National Stock Number Listings for 2935

NSN Description
2935-01-452-6589 Fluid Cooler Manifold
2935-01-457-8464 Fluid Cooler Manifold
2935-01-457-8470 Fluid Cooler Manifold
2935-01-462-5364 Wearing Ring
2935-01-463-8893 Fuel Temp Port Plug
2935-01-464-2236 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-468-8907 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-469-6328 Wearing Ring
2935-01-471-4696 Engine Coolant Radiator
2935-01-472-4110 Radiator
2935-01-472-5418 Water Separ Element
2935-01-473-3181 Engine System Plug
2935-01-473-3182 Engine System Gap
2935-01-473-8807 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-475-5985 Oil Cooler Housing
2935-01-475-9215 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-476-4861 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-476-5611 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-478-0131 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-480-0591 Engine Coolant Radiator
2935-01-482-4169 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-484-5368 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-486-8032 Engine Water Pump Parts Kit
2935-01-486-9729 Fuel Air Cooler
2935-01-486-9730 Fuel Air Cooler
2935-01-486-9879 Controller Pump
2935-01-486-9881 Coolant Pump
2935-01-487-4763 Engine Water Pump Parts Kit
2935-01-487-4764 Engine Water Pump Parts Kit
2935-01-488-6192 Oil Cooler Bracket
2935-01-490-1718 Controller Pump
2935-01-490-4108 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-491-6790 Engine Coolant Radiator
2935-01-493-5584 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-493-8987 Cooler Oil
2935-01-494-6330 Engine Coolant Radiator
2935-01-494-6331 Engine Coolant Radiator
2935-01-494-7405 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-495-7144 Engine Coolant Radiator
2935-01-495-9083 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-501-8687 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-502-0724 Centrifugal Pump Impeller
2935-01-503-7031 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-504-4784 Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
2935-01-504-8477 Fuel Air Cooler
2935-01-504-8478 Fuel Air Cooler
2935-01-506-7310 Wearing Ring
2935-01-507-5730 Wearing Ring
2935-01-508-0616 Wearing Ring
2935-01-508-9970 Engine Coolant Radiator

Select FSC 2935 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/10/2025 09:18am view all ยป

NSN 2935-01-667-7886
Fluid Cooler Manifold
Availability: 8
NSN 2935-01-238-3717
Fluid Cooler Manifold
Availability: 4
NSN 2935-00-602-8251
Ove Valve Parts Kit
Availability: 37
NSN 2935-01-152-1702
Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
Availability: 2
NSN 2935-01-090-7423
Fuel Thermal Bypass Valve
Availability: 91
NSN 2935-01-113-6454
Valve Housing
Availability: 18
NSN 2935-00-480-6592
Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
Availability: 8
NSN 2935-01-202-5339
Engine Lubricating Oil Cooler
Availability: 4