FSC 2840 | Prime Moving; And Components Aircraft Gas Turbines And Jet Engines Catalog (38,641 Items)

All available NSNs related to Prime Moving; And Components Aircraft Gas Turbines And Jet Engines (Page 522 of 773)

National Stock Number Listings for 2840

NSN Description
2840-01-322-6198 Turbine E Retaining Segment Ring
2840-01-322-6199 Turbine E Retaining Segment Ring
2840-01-322-6203 Aircraft Gas Tu Oil Sump Housing
2840-01-322-6204 Turbin Augmentor Exhaust Support
2840-01-322-6205 Augmenter Exhaust Nozzle Support
2840-01-322-6271 Aircraft Gas Turbin Turbine Case
2840-01-322-6273 Aircraft Gas Turb Turbine Nozzle
2840-01-322-6274 Aircraf Compressor Vane Assembly
2840-01-322-6275 Aircraf Compressor Vane Assembly
2840-01-322-6276 Aircraf Compressor Vane Assembly
2840-01-322-6277 Aircraf Compressor Vane Assembly
2840-01-322-6278 Aircraf Compressor Vane Assembly
2840-01-322-6279 Aircraf Compressor Vane Assembly
2840-01-322-6280 Aircraf Compressor Vane Assembly
2840-01-322-6281 Aircraft Gas Lubricating Nozzle
2840-01-322-6544 Aircraft Gas Labyrinth Seal Ring
2840-01-322-6858 Aircraft Gas Tur Compressor Case
2840-01-322-6859 Aircraft Turbine Blade Retainer
2840-01-322-6860 Turbine Engine Sump Cover
2840-01-322-6861 Tu Flameholder Retaining Segment
2840-01-322-6862 Tu Flameholder Retaining Segment
2840-01-322-6863 Tu Flameholder Retaining Segment
2840-01-322-6864 Tu Flameholder Retaining Segment
2840-01-322-6865 Tu Flameholder Retaining Segment
2840-01-322-6866 Air Augmentor Flameholder Gutter
2840-01-322-6867 Air Augmentor Flameholder Gutter
2840-01-322-7089 Aircraft Gas Turbine Compressor
2840-01-322-7090 Aircraft Gas Turbi Turbine Rotor
2840-01-322-7559 Aircra Turbine Shaft Turbine Nut
2840-01-322-8833 Aircraft Gas Turbine En Air Seal
2840-01-322-9604 Aircraft Gas Turbine Heat Shield
2840-01-322-9605 Aircraft Gas Turbine Heat Shield
2840-01-322-9606 Aircraft Gas Turbine Heat Shield
2840-01-322-9670 Aircraft Gas Turbin Exhaust Duct
2840-01-322-9789 Aircraft Turbine Shroud Segment
2840-01-322-9790 Aircraft Turbine Shroud Segment
2840-01-322-9791 Aircraft Turbine Shroud Segment
2840-01-322-9792 Aircraft Turbine Shroud Segment
2840-01-322-9793 Aircraft Gas Tur Compressor Vane
2840-01-322-9794 Aircraft Gas Turb Turbine Nozzle
2840-01-322-9795 Aircraft Gas Turb Turbine Nozzle
2840-01-322-9796 Aircraft Gas Turb Turbine Nozzle
2840-01-322-9797 Aircraft Gas Tur Compressor Vane
2840-01-322-9798 Aircraft Gas Turb Turbine Nozzle
2840-01-322-9799 Aircraft Gas Turb Turbine Nozzle
2840-01-322-9801 Aircraft Gas Tur Compressor Vane
2840-01-322-9802 Aircraft Gas Tur Compressor Vane
2840-01-322-9803 Aircraft Gas Tur Compressor Vane
2840-01-322-9804 Aircraft Gas Tur Compressor Vane
2840-01-322-9805 Aircraft Gas Tur Compressor Vane

Select FSC 2840 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 02/28/2025 02:23pm view all »

NSN 2840-01-506-0249
Aircraft Turbine Blade Retainer
Availability: 176
NSN 2840-00-011-0692
Aircraft Gas Turbi Turbine Shaft
Availability: 3
NSN 2840-01-576-2296
Availability: 5
NSN 2840-00-939-0254
Aircraft Gas Turbine Rotor Blade
Availability: 268
NSN 2840-01-543-3886
Aircraft Gas Turbine Heat Shield
Availability: 1
NSN 2840-00-475-0434
Turbine Shaft Seal
Availability: 104
NSN 2840-00-627-2710
Helical Sp Coupling
Availability: 44
NSN 2840-01-205-1298
Aircraft Gas Tur Compressor Vane
Availability: 1