FSC 1560 | Airframe Structural Components Catalog (226,894 Items)

All available NSNs related to Airframe Structural Components (Page 952 of 4538)

National Stock Number Listings for 1560

NSN Description
1560-00-620-9016 Float Switch Union
1560-00-620-9017 Air Intake Disconnect Assembly
1560-00-620-9018 Tip Bellmouth Assembly
1560-00-620-9092 Duct Insulation Blanket
1560-00-620-9095 Refuel Box Manifold
1560-00-620-9097 Fuel Cell Backing Anchor
1560-00-620-9527 Duct Assembly
1560-00-620-9647 Main Rotor Mas Plug
1560-00-620-9690 Power Plant Mount Retainer
1560-00-620-9957 Aircraft Access Door
1560-00-620-9962 Center Section Flap Track
1560-00-620-9963 Outer Wing Flap Track
1560-00-620-9964 Trailing Edge Track
1560-00-620-9967 Middle Refueling Tube Assembly
1560-00-620-9972 Control Pulley Assembly
1560-00-621-0777 Aileron
1560-00-621-0781 Wing Landing Flap
1560-00-621-0787 Aircraft Trim Tab
1560-00-621-0788 Aircraft Trim Tab
1560-00-621-0789 Wing Landing Flap
1560-00-621-0797 Aircraft Fuel Tank
1560-00-621-1219 Upper Control Arm Assembly
1560-00-621-1221 Cowl Support Tube Assembly
1560-00-621-1234 Tank Access Door Assembly
1560-00-621-1238 Aileron Torque Tube Assembly
1560-00-621-1240 Aileron Torque Tube Assembly
1560-00-621-1242 Diagonal Brace Tube Assembly
1560-00-621-1244 Lower Control Arm Assembly
1560-00-621-1247 Upper Engine Control Bolt
1560-00-621-1249 Condition Contro Pulley Assembly
1560-00-621-1250 Pulley Socket Arm Assembly
1560-00-621-1254 Mounting Control Stabili Bracket
1560-00-621-1274 Drain Clamp Block Assembly
1560-00-621-1281 Condition Control Link
1560-00-621-1285 Upper Engine Control Bolt
1560-00-621-1297 Pulley Socket Arm Assembly
1560-00-621-1302 Thermal Insulation Pipe Covering
1560-00-621-1303 Thermal Insulation Pipe Covering
1560-00-621-1305 Bleed Air Check Valve Insulation
1560-00-621-1315 Ejector Cover Assembly
1560-00-621-1319 Air Structural Component Support
1560-00-621-1321 Air Structural Component Support
1560-00-621-1330 Cargo Ejector Assembly
1560-00-621-1331 Aircraft Access Cover
1560-00-621-1550 Aircraft Access Cover
1560-00-621-1557 Oil Tank Strap Assembly
1560-00-621-1572 Joint Assembly
1560-00-621-1573 Rudder Weight Assembly
1560-00-621-1624 Blanket Insulation
1560-00-621-1625 Aircraft Duct Insulation

Select FSC 1560 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 02/28/2025 03:41pm view all »

NSN 1560-01-538-0871
Aircraft Windshield Panel
Availability: 4
NSN 1560-01-552-6923
Mate Aircraft Modem
Availability: 1
NSN 1560-01-538-0855
Aircraft Windshield Panel
Availability: 2
NSN 1560-01-348-3525
Air Structural Component Bracket
Availability: 4
NSN 1560-01-619-1937
Aircraft Windshield Assembly
Availability: 5
NSN 1560-00-962-3511
Aircraft Windshield Panel
Availability: 5
NSN 1560-00-804-7009
Windshield Retainer
Availability: 7
NSN 1560-00-257-2937
Fitting Assembly
Availability: 4