FSC 1377 | Cartridge And Propellant Actuated Devices And Components Catalog (5,441 Items)

All available NSNs related to Cartridge And Propellant Actuated Devices And Components (Page 89 of 109)

National Stock Number Listings for 1377

NSN Description
1377-01-384-8815 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-384-8820 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-384-8821 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-384-8822 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-384-8823 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-384-8824 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-384-8826 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-384-8827 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-384-8829 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-384-8830 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-384-8833 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-384-9246 Cartridge Actuated Initiator
1377-01-385-0089 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0090 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0091 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0092 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0095 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0096 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0098 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0100 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0101 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0102 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0103 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0104 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0105 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0106 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0109 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0110 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0111 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0112 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0113 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0114 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0115 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0116 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0117 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-0118 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-1755 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-385-2477 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-01-386-7200 Cartridge Actuated Initiator
1377-01-386-7202 Cartridge Actuated Initiator
1377-01-386-7676 Au Inflation Device
1377-01-387-0399 Impulse Cartridge
1377-01-387-5145 Aircraft Canopy Remover
1377-01-389-8957 Impulse Cartridge
1377-01-390-0377 Impulse Cartridge
1377-01-391-5415 Aircraft Fire Extingui Cartridge
1377-01-391-5417 Shaped Charge
1377-01-391-5419 Shaped Charge
1377-01-391-6690 Delay Cartridge
1377-01-391-6700 Delay Cartridge

Select FSC 1377 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/06/2025 08:36am view all »

NSN 1377-01-482-1555
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 51
NSN 1377-00-103-3434
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 12
NSN 1377-01-525-8256
Electric Squib
Availability: 34
NSN 1377-00-677-6281
Aircraft Fire Extingui Cartridge
Availability: 2
NSN 1377-00-188-4086
Aircraft Fire Extingui Cartridge
Availability: 47
NSN 1377-01-174-4000
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 1
NSN 1377-01-382-1415
Delay Cartridge
Availability: 7
NSN 1377-01-590-0158
Cartridge Actuated Initiator
Availability: 16