FSC 1377 | Cartridge And Propellant Actuated Devices And Components Catalog (5,441 Items)

All available NSNs related to Cartridge And Propellant Actuated Devices And Components (Page 28 of 109)

National Stock Number Listings for 1377

NSN Description
1377-00-469-8513 Explosive Bolt
1377-00-469-8518 Inert Reel Assembly
1377-00-470-2977 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-00-470-3957 Inertia R Cam Lever
1377-00-470-3966 Inertia Reel Case Plug
1377-00-470-3994 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-00-470-3995 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-00-470-3996 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-00-470-3997 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-00-470-3998 Detonating Cord Assembly
1377-00-471-3616 Cartridge Actuated Initiator
1377-00-471-9660 Impulse Cartridge
1377-00-471-9661 Impulse Cartridge
1377-00-476-9790 Aircraft Ejection Seat Catapult
1377-00-476-9986 Block Subassembly
1377-00-477-2308 Aircraft Ejection Seat Catapult
1377-00-480-2718 Powder Actuated Tool Cartridge
1377-00-480-5932 Explosive Valve
1377-00-481-7078 Engine Starter Cartridge
1377-00-481-7079 Engine Starter Cartridge
1377-00-481-7080 Explosive Kit
1377-00-481-7081 Shi Explosive Kit A
1377-00-482-4650 Piston Rod Seal
1377-00-482-8446 Breech And Pin Assembly
1377-00-482-8447 Guillotine Ass Sear
1377-00-483-1985 Breech Body Assembly
1377-00-483-2013 Seat Ej Firing Assembly
1377-00-483-2014 Seat Ej Firing Assembly
1377-00-483-3046 High Canopy Cutter
1377-00-483-3059 Cartr Spreading Gun
1377-00-483-9072 Cartridge Actu Parachute Ejector
1377-00-484-2546 Time Delay Actuator
1377-00-485-3930 Propellan Gas Pressure Generator
1377-00-486-6225 Severance Assembly
1377-00-486-6226 Severance Assembly
1377-00-486-8619 Impulse Cartridge
1377-00-487-0860 Cartridge Actuated Spreading Gun
1377-00-488-6868 Powder Actuated Tool Cartridge
1377-00-488-6869 Powder Actuated Tool Cartridge
1377-00-488-6870 Powder Actuated Tool Cartridge
1377-00-488-6871 Powder Actuated Tool Cartridge
1377-00-489-1527 Cartridge Actuated Cutter
1377-00-489-1528 Cartridge Actuated Cutter
1377-00-489-1549 Gas Container And E
1377-00-489-7476 Propellant Actuated Initiator
1377-00-489-9460 Ejection Initiator Assembly
1377-00-490-6251 Impulse Cartridge
1377-00-491-3825 Explosive Bolt
1377-00-491-6192 Impulse Cartridge
1377-00-492-0803 Detonator Unit

Select FSC 1377 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/14/2025 03:42am view all »

NSN 1377-01-369-2492
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 45
NSN 1377-00-987-3603
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 9
NSN 1377-01-185-2622
Aircraft Fire Extingui Cartridge
Availability: 17
NSN 1377-01-482-1555
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 51
NSN 1377-00-103-3434
Impulse Cartridge
Availability: 12
NSN 1377-01-525-8256
Electric Squib
Availability: 34
NSN 1377-00-677-6281
Aircraft Fire Extingui Cartridge
Availability: 2
NSN 1377-00-188-4086
Aircraft Fire Extingui Cartridge
Availability: 47