FSC 1005 | Through 30mm Guns Catalog (19,986 Items)

All available NSNs related to Through 30mm Guns (Page 393 of 400)

National Stock Number Listings for 1005

NSN Description
1005-01-656-3573 Multiple Magazine Holder
1005-01-656-3579 Gun Cover
1005-01-656-3906 Mount Pintle
1005-01-656-3929 Trigger
1005-01-656-4131 Machine Gun Cradle
1005-01-656-4770 Can Holder Assembly
1005-01-656-4781 Arm Tube
1005-01-656-4789 Eject Hopper Assembly
1005-01-656-4802 Retainer Catch
1005-01-656-6764 6 Milli Machine Gun
1005-01-656-7749 M240 Arm Assembly
1005-01-656-7753 Lid Assembly
1005-01-656-7845 Shoulder Gun Stock
1005-01-656-7854 Machine Gun Grip
1005-01-656-8015 Charging Lever Stop
1005-01-656-8032 Small Arms Weapon Suppressor
1005-01-656-8040 Trigger
1005-01-656-8099 Machine Gun Barrel
1005-01-656-8117 Gun Cleaning Kit
1005-01-656-8223 Can Holder Pad
1005-01-656-8775 Rifle Bipod
1005-01-656-9048 Flash Suppressor
1005-01-656-9051 Flash Suppressor
1005-01-656-9053 Flash Suppressor
1005-01-656-9056 Flash Suppressor
1005-01-656-9058 Flash Suppressor
1005-01-656-9632 Small Arms Sling
1005-01-656-9633 Small Arms Sling
1005-01-656-9815 Rifle Mount
1005-01-657-0036 Elevating And Firing Cra Support
1005-01-657-1693 Cartridge Magazine
1005-01-657-1933 Receiver Upper
1005-01-657-1956 5.6 Millimeter Rifle
1005-01-657-2087 Material Fastener 13-8
1005-01-657-2254 Small Arms Weapon Suppressor
1005-01-657-2830 Ammo Can Sup Arm Sp
1005-01-657-2836 Ammo Can Holder Assembly
1005-01-657-2838 Pintle Shaft
1005-01-657-2843 Charging Lever
1005-01-657-2845 Eject Chute Assembly
1005-01-657-2849 Divider Assembly
1005-01-657-3511 Rifle Grenade Launcher Sig Level
1005-01-657-3677 Base Cent Pivit Shaft
1005-01-657-3678 50 Cal Elec Tube Assembly
1005-01-657-3680 Spring
1005-01-657-3684 50 Cal Subsystem
1005-01-657-3853 Plate-cover
1005-01-657-3856 Arm End Assembly
1005-01-657-3874 Left Lower Grip
1005-01-657-3880 Strboard Side Wall

Select FSC 1005 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/27/2025 04:43pm view all »

NSN 1005-01-060-9395
Bolt Assembly Kit
Availability: 8
NSN 1005-01-142-2841
Chamber And Discrim
Availability: 18
NSN 1005-00-003-2269
Automatic Caliber .22 Pistol
Availability: 1817
NSN 1005-01-513-0733
Shotgun Tube Cap
Availability: 234
NSN 1005-01-278-1174
Scabbard Attaching Assembly
Availability: 7
NSN 1005-00-494-6602
Small Arms Cleaning Brush
Availability: 7
NSN 1005-00-992-7307
Availability: 136
NSN 1005-00-017-9551
Small Arms Firing Hammer
Availability: 3942