FSC 1005 | Through 30mm Guns Catalog (19,986 Items)

All available NSNs related to Through 30mm Guns (Page 352 of 400)

National Stock Number Listings for 1005

NSN Description
1005-01-608-0539 Rear Sight
1005-01-608-0643 Pistool
1005-01-608-0644 Pistool
1005-01-608-0762 Small Arms Cleaning Rod
1005-01-608-0763 Small Arms Cleaning Rod
1005-01-608-1050 Gunsight Cover
1005-01-608-1148 Gun Parts Kit
1005-01-608-1551 Barrel Clamp
1005-01-608-1623 Small Arms Weapon Suppressor
1005-01-608-1626 Muzzle Brake
1005-01-608-1641 Breech Bolt Control Device
1005-01-608-1642 Breech Bolt Control Device
1005-01-608-3885 Brass-link Chute
1005-01-608-4543 Gun Gas Cylinder
1005-01-608-4547 Subassembly Buttstock
1005-01-608-5881 Mounting Bracket
1005-01-608-7367 Ammunition Chute
1005-01-608-7565 Weapon Gun Modification Kit
1005-01-608-7566 Blank Ammuniti Firing Attachment
1005-01-608-7570 Weapon Gun Modification Kit
1005-01-608-7572 Blank Ammuniti Firing Attachment
1005-01-608-8212 Gun Component Retainer
1005-01-608-9419 870 Shotgun
1005-01-609-1034 Sniper Rifle
1005-01-609-1039 Sniper Rifle
1005-01-609-1141 Small Arms Weapon Suppressor
1005-01-609-1591 Black Tactical Wristcoach
1005-01-609-2084 Left Floor Panel
1005-01-609-2331 Shotgun Barrel
1005-01-609-2333 Ammunition Chute Assembly
1005-01-609-2335 Ammunition Chute Assembly
1005-01-609-2339 Ammunition Chute Assembly
1005-01-609-2344 Ammunition Chute Assembly
1005-01-609-2348 Mounting Bracket
1005-01-609-2352 Elevation Firing Stop
1005-01-609-2357 Elevation Firing Stop
1005-01-609-2361 Elevation Firing Stop
1005-01-609-2364 Elevation Firing Stop
1005-01-609-2367 Ammunition Feeder Shaft
1005-01-609-2922 Gun Charger Handle
1005-01-609-3276 Shotgun Barrel
1005-01-609-3436 Cannon Cradle
1005-01-609-5088 Subassembly Buttstock
1005-01-609-5389 Gun Carriage
1005-01-609-5760 Sniper Rifle
1005-01-609-6064 Gun Parts Kit
1005-01-609-6082 Gun Parts Kit
1005-01-609-7123 M3p Rounds Counter
1005-01-609-7146 Ammunition Chute Section
1005-01-609-7157 Indicator Slider Azimuth

Select FSC 1005 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/25/2025 09:08am view all »

NSN 1005-01-513-0733
Shotgun Tube Cap
Availability: 234
NSN 1005-01-278-1174
Scabbard Attaching Assembly
Availability: 7
NSN 1005-00-494-6602
Small Arms Cleaning Brush
Availability: 7
NSN 1005-00-003-2269
Automatic Caliber .22 Pistol
Availability: 543
NSN 1005-00-992-7307
Availability: 136
NSN 1005-00-017-9551
Small Arms Firing Hammer
Availability: 3942
NSN 1005-01-287-2606
Pistol Grip
Availability: 97
NSN 1005-01-498-4420
Gun Parts Kit
Availability: 1