1,541 total NSNs with this cage code
Aircraft Turbine Shroud Segment
Aircraft Gas Tu Compressor Rotor
Aircraft Gas Tu Compressor Rotor
Aircraft Gas Tur Compressor Vane
Air Antifriction Bearing Housing
Air Antifriction Bearing Housing
Turbine Engine Gearbox Housing
Turbine Engine Gearbox Housing
Aircraft Gas Turbine Heat Shield
Aircraft Gas Turbine Heat Shield
Aircraft Gas Turbine Heat Shield
Aircraft Turbine Nozzle Assembly
Speed Pickup Low Pressure Ring
Aircraft Gas Tur Compressor Case
Aircraft Gas Turbine Heat Shield
Aircraft Combustion Chamber Case
Aircraft Gas Tu Compressor Rotor
Air Antifriction Bearing Housing
Aircraft Gas Turbi Turbine Rotor
Aircraft Gas Turbi Turbine Rotor
Aircraft Gas Turbin Turbine Case
Turbine Case And Nozzle Assembly