Supply Items And Quantities
8345-01-469-9878 streamer award-coast guard maritime protection for the new republic 1790-1797; 8345-00-151-6601 streamer award-french naval war 1; 8345-00-245-3701 streamer award-war of 1812 1; 8345-00-245-3697 streameraward-indian war 1; 8345-00-245-3698 streamer award-mexican war 1; 8345-00-245-3696 streamer award-civil war 1; 8345-00-245-3702 streamer award-spanish campaign 1; 8345-00-245-3703 streamer award-world war i victory 1; 8345-00-634-5013 streamer award-china service 1; 8345-00-634-5012 streamer award-yangtze service 1; 8345-00-634-4894 streamer award-american defense service 1; 8345-00-245-3704 streamer award-american campaign 1; 8345-00-245-3706 streamer award-european-african-middle eastern campaign 1; 8345-00-174-0805 streamer award-croix deguerre french world war ii; 8345-00-245-3705 streamer award-asiatic-pacific campaign 1; 8345-00-634-5007 streamer award-philippine defense 1; 8345-00-634-5005 streamer award-philippine liberation 1; con'd in special feat
Special Features
8345-00-634-5011 streamer, award, presidential unit citation 1; 8345-00-634-5006 streamer, award, philippine independence 1; 8345-00-817-7550 streamer, award, philippine presidential unit citation 1; 8345-00-634-4902 streamer, award, world war ii victory 1; 8345-00-634-4892 streamer, award, navy occupation service 1; 8345-00-220-6517 streamer, award, korean service 1; 8345-00-558-2421 streamer, award, navy unit commendation 1; 8345-00-634-4893 streamer, award, national defense service 1; 8345-00-782-3035 streamer, award, armed forces expeditionary 1; 8345-00-926-6029 streamer, award, vietnam service 1; 8345-00-840-5113 streamer, award, meritorious unit commendation 1; 8345-00-935-6662 streamer, award, navy meritorious unit commendation 1; 8345-00-249-4810 streamer, award, rvn armed forces meritorious unit citation, gallantry cross with palm 1; 8345-00-422-1322 streamer, award, rvn meritorious unit citation, civil actions medal first class color, with palm 1
Supplementary Features
Coast guard presidential unit citation (w/hurricane device) - (no nsn); department of transportation secretary's outstanding unit award - (no nsn); coast guard unit commendation - (no nsn); coast guard meritorious unit commendation - (no nsn); african slave patrol - (8345-00-151-6599); operations against west indian pirates (8345-00-151-6603); southeast asia service (no stars) - (no nsn); kosovo campaign- (8345-01-491-3526); global war on terrorism expeditionary - (8345-01-525-6288); global war on terrorism service - (8345-01-525-6287); afghanistan campaign (no stars) - (8345-01-532-1525); iraq campaign - (8345-01-532-1528); philippine independence - (8345-00-634-5006)