FSC 8940 | Special Dietary Foods And Food Specialty Preparations Catalog (1,592 Items)

All available NSNs related to Special Dietary Foods And Food Specialty Preparations (Page 4 of 32)

National Stock Number Listings for 8940

NSN Description
8940-00-411-2299 Instant Pudding Dessert Powder
8940-00-418-0796 Pancake Mix
8940-00-418-0926 Strained Baby Food
8940-00-418-1135 French Dressing
8940-00-419-5596 Russian Dressing
8940-00-431-6170 Sugar Substitute
8940-00-432-7046 Beverage Base
8940-00-435-2249 Mayonnaise
8940-00-435-2279 Edible Starch
8940-00-450-3430 Salt Substitute
8940-00-450-3436 Pear Puree
8940-00-450-3437 Peach Puree
8940-00-450-3444 Soup And Gravy Base
8940-00-450-3446 Nondairy Creamer
8940-00-450-6499 Cucumber Pickles
8940-00-451-3023 Pie Filling
8940-00-460-2168 French Dressing
8940-00-473-6133 Soup And Gravy Base
8940-00-478-5121 Carbonated Nonalcoholic Beverage
8940-00-478-5122 Therapeutic Dietary Supplement
8940-00-479-8705 Sugar Substitute
8940-00-479-8719 Baby Formula Preparation
8940-00-480-4535 Ice Cream Topping
8940-00-480-4538 Ice Cream Topping
8940-00-480-4549 Canned Beef Tamales
8940-00-483-7979 Canned Beets
8940-00-487-9860 Pear Puree
8940-00-489-5585 Egg Custard Mix
8940-00-489-7073 Gelatin Dessert Powder
8940-00-489-7075 Gelatin Dessert Powder
8940-00-489-7077 Gelatin Dessert Powder
8940-00-491-2911 Canned Beef Stew
8940-00-494-8067 Soup And Gravy Base
8940-00-495-5390 Canned Pudding
8940-00-495-5391 Canned Pudding
8940-00-495-5395 Canned Pudding
8940-00-497-9488 Dessert And Bakery Produ Topping
8940-00-502-7635 With Cheese And B White Potatoes
8940-00-515-8783 Sugar Substitute
8940-00-515-8786 Soup
8940-00-519-1320 Sugar Substitute
8940-00-539-7371 Canned Chicken And Dumplings
8940-00-550-2555 Nondairy Creamer
8940-00-560-8104 Rice Cereal
8940-00-569-1141 Sugar Substitute
8940-00-584-2702 Therapeutic Dietary Supplement
8940-00-609-2636 Therapeutic Dietary Supplement
8940-00-616-0226 Pie Filling
8940-00-619-8838 Sugar Substitute
8940-00-641-8961 Gelatin Dessert Powder

Select FSC 8940 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 03/20/2024 03:03pm view all »

NSN 8940-00-085-1474
Strained Baby Food
Availability: 2344
NSN 8940-00-706-3838
Tomato Ketchup
Availability: 9
NSN 8940-00-706-3838
Tomato Ketchup
Availability: 8
NSN 8940-00-085-1606
Canned Grapefruit
Availability: 2292