FSC 7350 | Tableware Catalog (1,075 Items)

All available NSNs related to Tableware (Page 6 of 22)

National Stock Number Listings for 7350

NSN Description
7350-00-689-5383 Drinking Tumbler
7350-00-715-0479 Eating Plate
7350-00-715-1369 Toothpick Dispenser
7350-00-720-7238 Sugar Dispenser
7350-00-721-6000 Eating Bowl
7350-00-721-6513 Eating Dish
7350-00-721-9003 Disposable Cup
7350-00-725-6500 Drinking Cup
7350-00-732-9500 Drinking Cup
7350-00-735-0000 Cream Pitcher
7350-00-735-2465 Water Pitcher
7350-00-735-6000 Eating Plate
7350-00-735-9000 Eating Plate
7350-00-737-9000 Cup Saucer
7350-00-738-1000 Eating Dish
7350-00-753-3182 Disposable Cup
7350-00-754-1055 Eating Bowl
7350-00-754-1124 Custard Cup
7350-00-754-1199 Eating Bowl
7350-00-754-1472 Cup Saucer
7350-00-754-1474 Eating Plate
7350-00-754-1476 Eating Plate
7350-00-754-1497 Eating Dish
7350-00-757-4043 Paper Cover
7350-00-759-0479 Eating Dish
7350-00-782-3187 Disposable Cup
7350-00-787-9945 Water Pitcher
7350-00-789-0095 Service Tray
7350-00-817-0342 Disposable Cup
7350-00-821-2324 Disposable Cup Lid
7350-00-823-7393 Eating Bowl
7350-00-823-7394 Drinking Cup
7350-00-823-7395 Cup Saucer
7350-00-823-7396 Eating Plate
7350-00-823-7562 Food Serving Bowl
7350-00-838-3919 Toothpick
7350-00-850-3075 Disposable Cup Lid
7350-00-857-2253 Drinking Cup
7350-00-893-8817 Disposable Cup Lid
7350-00-899-1251 Eating Dish
7350-00-899-3054 Paper Plate
7350-00-899-3055 Paper Plate
7350-00-899-3056 Paper Plate
7350-00-902-7012 Disposable Cup Lid
7350-00-903-8141 Disposable Cup
7350-00-903-8142 Disposable Cup
7350-00-903-8145 Disposable Cup
7350-00-903-8147 Disposable Cup
7350-00-903-9201 Disposable Cup
7350-00-903-9202 Disposable Cup

Select FSC 7350 Products


Availability Updates

NSN stock availability updates. Last updated: 02/08/2024 06:39pm view all »

NSN 7350-00-162-3006
Disposable Cup
Availability: 2
NSN 7350-00-170-8330
Drinking Tumbler
Availability: 1
NSN 7350-00-205-1182
Disposable Cup
Availability: 1280